Chapter 7 - Heart-Shaped Macaroons

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"I have no idea."

"Oh well." Karkat shrugged it off. "I just hope it doesn't stain."


Vriska came in with her usual confident stride, swinging Terezi's bag in one hand and her cane in the other.

"Lovers!" She called.

Karkat's red blush showed right through his yellow face. Terezi made a mental note to throw a brick at Vriska later.

"What the fuck is she on about?" Karkat whispered.

"I don't want to know." Terezi whispered back, getting off his bed and sitting on a nearby chair.

Vriska threw open the curtains and looked in.

"Ah, here we are! The couple of the year, and it's only the second day!"

"Shut up, Vriska." Terezi said.

"Why, don't like my company? Should I leave you two lovebirds alone? Karkat, why is your face so yellow?"

"None of your fucking business." He muttered angrily, before turning his head to Terezi.

"You can leave with her now if you'd like."

"Aw, do you need each other's permission to go places now? I can't decide whether that's cute or weird. Anyway, the teacher took Gamzee and Eridan to the principal so we're excused. You coming or what?"

Terezi got up and took her bag from Vriska's outstretched hand. Then she took her cane. Before she headed out she gave Karkat a little wave and he returned it, smiling a tiny bit.

"Here's to love, here's to love, here's to all that love can stand for..." Vriska sang as Terezi trudged behind.

A/N: the song she's singing is heres to love sung by dean martin from the movie my friend irma and whenever i hear it i swoon

also id really like some miso soup for my sore throat now. just thought id add that.

oh and i hate myself

"It's a wishful wonderland for just you..."

"You can stop singing now." Terezi said.

"What, and give up show business? I'm going on Broadway!"

"I doubt it. And we aren't a couple!"

"Sure you aren't."

"We aren't! If anything, I should be singing about you and John!"

Vriska turned and pretended to take a long drag from a cigarette.

"John... I haven't heard that name in years..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well it's hard to keep up a relationship when you never see each other and you're too loaded with work to talk to each other and you go to different schools!"

"He's staying at my hotel."

Vriska's eye seemed to bulge out of its socket. Terezi wondered if she had made the other eye grow back.


"Come to my house and you might catch him."

"Oh ho ho! I'll be needing my butterfly net!"

Terezi cackled and the two friends walked past Vriska's little house and to Pyrope's Place. Porrim was there.

"Oh hello girls! You're early!"

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