Chapter 3 - A Call of Duty

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"Terezi! Wassup?"

Latula ran straight through the infirmary door. Ms. Paint, who had been asleep at her desk, woke up with a start and glared at the intruder.

"What's this racket in my office?" She scolded. Latula gave her a peace sign.

"Yo, nurse-o! I'm the rad Latula Pyrope, here to pick up my rad lil sist-o!"

Then, Mituna crawled into the room on his hands and knees. He collapsed to the ground and Latula picked him up by his armpits and gave him a smooch on the visor of his helmet. He made a sort of buzzing sound and turned into putty, slipping out of her grasp and crumpling back into a purring heap.

"And is this another patient? Please get off the floor dearie, I haven't mopped it since last school year!" Ms. Paint tried to get Mituna on his feet but he stuck his forked tongue out at her and curled into a tight ball, muttering profanities. Latula cackled.

"So um, I'll sign all your papers and that rad stuff and we'll be off, kay?"

Ms. Paint gave Mituna a look much dirtier than her floor before looking at her book.

"You said you were Latula, no? Terezi's mom is Redglare. I'm terribly sorry dear, but a legal guardian must come pick up their child. Unless you have a note?"

Latula snapped her fingers and bent down to off Mituna's helmet. She ripped off a slip of paper taped to the inside and Mituna shrieked, clutching his head. Latula put replaced his helmet and he relaxed and started to suck his thumb. She straightened up and handed the nurse the paper.

"Here ya go!"

Ms. Paint reluctantly took the slobbery note and glanced at the illegible handwriting. "Alright." She sighed before shouting in the direction of the white shower curtain surrounding her patient's bed, "Terezi? Terezi, your sister is here to take you back home!"

Terezi was in a dead faint.

Latula cackled. "No problem, m'am! I can handle this lot! Have a rad day!" She nudged Mituna with her shoe and he sprung up to salute her. Then she took Terezi by the waist and flipped her over onto her shoulder like a pancake.

"Onwards march, soldiers!" Latula hollered. Mituna turned on his heel, stumbled, righted himself and marched out of the office. Latula turned to Ms. Paint, waved, and stepped out after him.

Ms. Paint closed the door behind them, sighed, went to the cabinet, took a Panadol tablet, fizzed it in some water, chugged the lot, started towards her desk, turned a hundred and eighty degrees, went to the hospital bed, slipped her shoes off, laid down, heaved a huge sigh and closed her eyes.

A/N: ms paint won that long sentence contest

After pausing at Terezi's locker and picking the lock to get her bag out, Mituna, Latula and Terezi went to the parking lot and located their little teal Vespa. Latula strapped her helmet on and helped the still asleep Terezi with hers. After a short tantrum about nothing being able to wear a second helmet, Mituna got on behind Terezi and stretched his arms around his matesprit's waist, sandwiching the dozing girl between them. Latula checked the rear-view mirror to see if her sister was secure before she turned on the ignition and puttered off.

Upon their arrival at Pyrope's Place, it had started to rain quite a bit. The air was dense with humidity and Mituna tingled with every raindrop that fell on him. Latula parked the motorbike and heaved Terezi back over her shoulder. Then she and her fianceé walked gloved hand in gloved hand into the building. Porrim was still on her receptionist shift for another hour, so when Terezi normally came home in a bit later she would have time for a quick snack and some homework before her own shift. Porrim raised her eyebrow high into her hairline at the sight of the trio, but Latula made single-pistols (her other hand was steadying Terezi on her shoulder) at her and the confused young lady made double pistols (and a ;) ) back.

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