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One week later

Richie: Eddie! C'mon, we'll be late!

Eddie: I'm coming!

Eddie went downstairs, with a dark green polo shirt, jeans and sneakers. Richie was wearing a white shirt, red jacket, and black shoes.

Richie: Wow!

Eddie: Does it look good?

Richie: Absolutely.

Eddie: Thanks. *Kisses his cheek* You're handsome too.

Richie: Thank you. So... Let's go?

Eddie: Yes.

They both left the house and headed for the car. Richie suddenly stopped.

Eddie: Won't you come in?

Richie: I just, umm.... I think I forgot something.

Eddie: Richie... C'mon, that accident is in the past...

Richie: No, I really meant it. Wait a minute. *Check his pockets* Oh, it's here.

Eddie: What?

Richie: Well, we can't enter the car without the keys. *Grins and show the keys*

Eddie: ha ha, you are so funny, mr. Tozier.

Richie: *gets close to him* and you are so handsome, mr. Kaspbrack. *Kisses him*

Eddie: *smiles* Let's go.

They got in the car and left, Bill and Bev's new house was not as close as it once was.

Eddie: Can you imagine? Three weeks ago, you were learning how to drive. Now, you're even better than me.

Richie: No, you're still much better than me. And also, I'm shaking right now.

And then, they passed near the hospital, and Eddie stared at it. After, he looked at Richie.

Eddie: Looks like it was yesterday, right? That everything happened.

Richie: Yeah.

Eddie: After the crash, I-

Richie: Listen, Eddie, it's not the time to talk about this. I'm sorry if I sounded rude, but...

Eddie: Richie... *Places a hand on his* I understand.

Richie: It was hard, you know... I had this thing on my mind. That you were dead, and that anytime, the nurse would call me and say "I'm sorry". I don't understand why sometimes I'm pessimistic.

Eddie: Shhh... Don't be like that. The past is past, has passed. It was an accident, live the present. I'm here.

Richie: You're right.

Eddie: And... Thank you. Thank you for being by my side.

Richie: Of course I would. I'm your boyfriend, how couldn't I be by your side?

Eddie's face went red.

Eddie: I love you.

Richie: I love you too... Oh look, we're here.

   They arrived at the house. Bill and Bev were waiting, Stan and Mike were talking, Ben was watching TV. And Penny, who was Bev's puppy, rushed toward them, barking non-stop. Now, marriage that wasn't actually a marriage would begin.


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