Chapter 27

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After a few hours I fall asleep. Again I woke up. But night seems so dark. I try hard to find any clock to see what time is now and I saw its show me 12 am already. I sleep so long. I though if I keep sleeping I will become better. It's still same. The headache, the blurry eyes, a vomit feels, cold all my body and most hurting my slow heartbeats. I feel so hungry but I somehow feel not in appetite to eat. I lost my appetite. Because I keep vomiting all day long even I actually not eating. I don't know what actually happen. What Eomma injected me actually? I so curious. I want to know, I need to know. What cause me into this situation. Chest pain even better than this. I cry again as I feel my head got more hurting cause in thinking too much. It's so dark, I barely can't see someone infront me with my blurry eyes. What I know someone infront me try to calm me down from crying. I try to listen it's words carefully and I caught it's Jiyong Hyung beside me, calm me down. My tears suddenly stop falling down and I just left sobbing. " Seungri, please don't cry. I'm worried. It's my fault Seungri ya. Hold my hand Seungri, squeeze it when you feel pain at anywhere. I will wake up " Jiyong Hyung remind me after he know I'm stop crying. He hold my hand together with him in his grip. I try hard to nodded and smile. It's even hurt to move. Why? God it's hard to endure. Please give me your strength. Jiyong Hyung can't falling into sleep after all because he worried from me. I become guilty. I need to know why he become like this. But I'm too tired to ask. My mouth seems heavy to open, either my voice seems hard to out. I only speak when I really need to. Jiyong Hyung wipe my sweat at my forehead. He touch lightly my forehead as he want check if I got fever. Yes I think I got it too. Inside of my body feel cold, outside of my body I don't know. So tired to move, so weak. Feel so hopeless. " you still fever Seungri. Wait here, Hyung will make this towel wet and put on your forehead. " Jiyong Hyung said to me and just left after saw me nodded to him as reply. I look around and found my other 3 Hyungs already sleep like a bear. Why don't Jiyong Hyung sleep like them and worry about me so much. I know the pain is so much hurt to endure but it's make me so much hurt when seeing people burdening theirselve for me. I eyes focus at the bathroom as I saw Jiyong Hyung walk out from there. " Seungri, Hyung will put this on your forehead now. Don't shock if it's sudden cold, Neh? " Jiyong Hyung remind me and I nodded. Slowly I feel a cold water on my forehead. I close my eyes, seems like scared. " so cold Hyung " I suddenly let out the words. Jiyong Hyung wipe my hair and tell me it's ok. I let out a weak sigh. Jiyong Hyung sing me some song to make me sleep again but I giggle when hear my stomach growling. " do you want eat Seungri? I'm so sorry, I forgot you didn't eat for a day. " Jiyong Hyung apologize again to me. He walk to table to find some food to feed me up. He help me get up to feed me after found some food and I just allowed him to. " do you want kimchi fried rice? Daesung made it at home few hours ago because he feel want to eat it. So he make some for us and for you too. Do you want some? " Jiyong Hyung ask and ready with a spoon of rice infront of my mouth. I inhale a deep breath before I speak. I want to try hard to speak so it's will become clear. " Hyung I lost my appetite. " I said in slow tone and Jiyong Hyung sigh. " I'm sorry Seungri. It's Hyung fault. " again, Jiyong Hyung apologize to him. " why Hyung. " I ask again. If it's about Eomma, I'm ok. I don't angry at her. Even abit. She actually didn't mean to do it. Just got control by devil in her body. " Hyung innocent. Eomma innocent. " I said hardly. That's all I can tell. I can't talk too long cause I not strong to make it happen. A short 4 words its easy for someone healthy but for me now, it's hard so much. I suddenly feel someone cry beside me. It's Jiyong Hyung. " I make Eomma arrested my police because she trying to kill you. Am I wrong then? " Jiyong Hyung said. It's really shocking me with the fact that Jiyong Hyung send Eomma to police. " Eomma Innocent Hyung " I said following to become sad with Jiyong Hyung. " she's trying to kill you twice Seungri. Not once! She the one who hit you with your Eomma that time. She also kill Appa and Nana. She's not innocent! She's indeed mental problem! Crazy! " Jiyong Hyung angry. I don't know if he actually angry at me or what. Disappoint feeling is really easy to be seen in Jiyong Hyung eyes. He really disappoint and sad. He a singer that faking his life as happy while it's just like shit. Not even have a little different. I just close my eyes let the tears falling down more hearing Jiyong Hyung confess. He seems read all his mind diary to me as a best friend place to be ask for help. " Eomma said Appa die in accident but actually he die when Eomma know that Appa married with Your Eomma and got you as son. She put a poison in our Appa drink as silent murder so people will not know that Eomma want to kill him. Someone that know everything happen to our life only your Eomma until she got murder in accident that your Eomma got into with You. " Jiyong Hyung words really left me shock but I can't do anything except let my tears keeps fall down. Why? Just why? Why Eomma become like this. Why she hate me and Eomma so much. I need to see her. I need to know the exact reason.
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Kemaman, Terengganu
Ig: Airakaila
Sec Ig: Annziseyoo_

Most of all. Ty💞I really don't know when this drama end but yeah. It's near. HAHAHA I hope so. Many upcoming fanfics to be release. Wait alright. Anyway happy Ramadan (28/5/17)

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