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⭐︎conners p.o.v ⭐︎

"Conner! You're going to be late" my dad yells from the kitchen, I turn off my phone and quickly throw a change a clothes for football into my bag along with some cleats. Coach will kill me if I'm late, I can't believe I lost track of time.

I run down the stairs and throw my bag over my shoulder. My hair is still wet from my shower but I don't have time to do anything to it. I grab a set a keys from the kitchen table, I think I grabbed my sisters jeep keys, oh well I have to go like now and pray that there is no traffic. I climb in her jeep and pull out of the garage and out of the subdivision. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to the practice fields from my house. Thankfully the traffic isn't bad so I make it to practice on time.

Zachary is one of my best friends on the team, I've known him since middle school when we played together for the first time. He is the corner back and I play as the quarter back, well I have to share the position with this senior, Taylor West, but next year I'll have the position all to myself. Zachary came up to me as I was grabbing my bag out of the jeep, his bag around his neck and he was wearing out schools practice shirt with some black shorts, tennis shoes on and cleats in hand. "Hey Zach" I mumble, digging around in my bag for deodorant. "Man, you're almost late. If you hadn't been here a second sooner coach would've have you running suicides all practice " I smirk. "I know, my dad was practically yelling at me to get out of the house. Why didn't you text or call me?" Zach rolls his eyes. "Like I didn't try, have you even checked your phone?" Bitting my lip for a second I fish my phone out of my pocket and seeing 3 missed calls and text from Zach but sadly none from Addison. "Right, phone must've been on silent or something." Zach hits me off guard playfully and I just smirk as we walk to the fields. Already out on the field throwing passes is the one and only Taylor West. Zach sees my sad expression. "He's gonna be gone Conner, cheer up. You're just as good as him." I sigh setting my bag down in my normal spot on the team bleaches. "Apparently not, he's first draft, I'm not." Zach places his bag next to mine. "You know just as well as I do that coach is just trying to get him a scholarship." I sit down to put on my cleats, nodding slightly as I watch Taylor throw ball after ball into the net, each one being even more perfect than the last.

Coach blows his whistle, officially ending practice even though it was suppose to end 30 minutes ago he decided that because our throws were off we would have to stay an extra 30 minutes to perfect them, but of course Taylor West got to go home on time because when is he not perfect? Grabbing my water I spray it over my head and then take a big sip. I know my sister, Mallory, would throw a fit if she found out I took her car and then got in it with wet hair "ruining her perfect seats" so I take one of my spare towels and shake all the water out of my hair and dry my face. I throw my cleats back into my bag and zip it up, I already changed into my other clothes and I grabbed the car keys, Zach got in the passenger side, I promised him a ride home since his car was in the shop getting repainted after he scratched it on his mailbox.

On the way back home after I dropped Zach off I get gas put into Mallory's car so that's one less thing I have to hear her complain about. I'm already stressed out enough. I get home and park her car and clean out all of my stuff and put some of that air fresher stuff she likes so she cant complain about my stink. I put her keys back where I found them but I don't get half way up the stairs before she stops me. "Conner! Did you think it was okay to  just run off with my car to your football practice!?" I sigh turning around "Look, I was in a rush, your keys were just the first ones I saw, I'm sorry Mals. I cleaned it out and refilled your gas, okay?" She pouted for a second before smiling slightly. "Fine, but don't do it again, okay?" I nodded. "I won't, I swear." "Thanks!" she chirped, walking away. I knew Mallory and I knew she was going to do something to get back at me for this. I just had to sleep with one eye open for a while.

Mallory was only a year and a half younger than me, she definitely had more of our mom's features than I did. Her thick brown hair with golden highlight and her skinny figure, she had mom's nose but dad's eyes. I on the other hand, had dad's dusty blonde hair and big green eyes with his nose and his height. The only thing I have from my mother might be her face shape and toes. Mallory and I had always been really close since birth and I was of course, over protective of her and especially who she dated, but she didn't mind. She was the same way towards who I dated, if she didn't like the girl, she made sure her opinion was known. As cliche as it sounds, Mallory was one of the cheerleaders, a flyer. She had been cheering since she was 5, she absolutely loved every second of it. And  I loved watching her do her routines. I just wanted to be the best older brother that I could possibly be. We weren't extremely popular like our parent's but our name was known around school. From a very young age our parents enlisted in us that all they ever wanted from us was for us to follow our dreams. I wanted to take the path of my dad who went to play college football and got a scholarship, my mom was a music major, Mallory hated music, she just didn't understand it, but cheerleading? That was a completely different story for her.

I ran upstairs throwing my bag on my bed and starting a shower. I quickly jumped in and rinsed my hair before reaching for my towel and drying myself off. I heard a ding go off on my phone and I rushed over to grab it. My heart pounding in my chest as I read the name: Addie.

Why do you guys think Conner is so obsessed with Addison? What secret is he hiding? What do y'all think of Conner?

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