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⭐️addison's p.o.v⭐️

I quickly parked my dads red mini car and fled into the school. I had most of my stuff shoved into an extra backpack. My hair was tangled and curly unbrushed, my clothes were from last night- sweatpants and sweatshirt. I didn't have my foundation to cover up any bruises or dark circles. My breathing was heavy, mascara running. I grabbed my backpack and and the basic makeup I needed to get through the day. Taking a deep breath, I scurried out of the car and into the somewhat safer school and the girls bathrooms. I fixed my makeup as best as I could then I heard the warning bell. "Shoot" I mumbled looking into the mirror taking a deep breath.

"Mrs. Paris stop! Please! I-I'm going to tell my father" my voice cracking beneath me, she raised an eyebrow looking at me "And who would he believe, his ugly, mistake daughter or me his beautiful and loving fiancée?" Taking deep breaths, I looked up at the evil woman in front of me, she had found my art stash and extra money and she wasn't happy. She accused me of stealing, because it was hers but it was my raised money. Bruises and cuts were my punishment and battle scars, I was so going to be late for school. This was bad. Finally she left, but not without locking me up in my room. I grabbed a bagged and stuffed some clothes inside, and anything else I could find on such short notice. My car was booted thanks to Mrs. Paris, I grabbed the extra set of car keys to my dads red car and opened my window. Carefully getting onto the roof I slid down to the lowest point  and took a leap of faith. Rolling on the ground I shakily stood up and ran to the car before anyone could see me. Revving the engine I sped down the driveway and onto the street trying to escape my hell. Racing down the street I sped to the high school as fast as I could. I parked as fast as I could and ran in.

I covered up the scars and bruises with my makeup praying no one would notice. I ran out of the bathroom quickly and to 1 period. The hallways were still packed with the people not hurrying to get to class. I made it to Mrs. Petersons class, with barely anytime left. Right before I walked into class "A-Addie!" I stopped, backed up and looked around.  "Addie! It's you, it's really you.." I froze, conner? That's the only explanation. "C-conner..?" He was so different than what I imagined, tall and strong, messy dirty blonde hair, green sparkling eyes, his goofy grin looking at me, he didn't look mad, he wasn't disappointed, he was happy. I didn't know what to do anymore, I hadn't thought of this happening, I didn't want to break him...he was so cute. I fumbled with my hands, getting  the note from its hiding spot I quickly shoved it in his hands, pulling down my sleeves and looked away shamefully. "G-goodbye conner. Thank you..." And with that I turned and ran into class.

Here you guys go! Chapter 12, Addie and Conner have finally met. What do you think happens next? Until next time,

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