Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I look around the ground. I couldn't breathe. I just fucked up everything. I've promised Michael since before we were together I would never hurt him. That I wouldn't hit back. My heart was broken, I just felt like crying. I picked myself up and wiped dirt off from shirt and jeans. Gosh I'm a klutz. I shut the car door and hurried in the house. I looked around in search for Michael and my brother but I couldn't find either of them. I walked down the stairs to see Calum, Brianne and Luke watching TV. I don't know what they were watching, some reality show.

"Hey Ashton. When did you get home?" Brianne asked sitting on Luke's lap as he played with her hair.

"Not to long ago. Luke are Michael or my brother down here with you guys?" I asked quietly and Luke looked up at me.

"Ashton what happened to your cheek?" He asked and I felt my face, a little bit of blood dripped onto my hand.

"I-I fell" I said and he looked at me funny.

"Did Michael hit you?" Luke asked again and I looked down at the ground.

"He did!" Luke said and I shook my head.

"No Luke.. I-I hit him and then he came inside and I fell out the car trying to catch up with him" I said with a frown and Calum sucked his teeth, getting involved again.

"Oh my God Calum shut up" I said and Brianne let out a small giggle, making me smile at her.

Calum always had a problem getting in other people's business. It was so annoying. Luke looked at Calum then me. He shook his head slowly.

"No he's not down here. Maybe you should let him cool off though. If you hit him he's probably mad right now" Luke said and I let out sigh. Brianne patted the seat between her and Calum, making Calum instantly look up at her.

He let out a fake yawn and stretched his legs over the spot.

"Grow up." I said and turned around walking up the stairs. I wasn't sure where to go. If I where to stay out of Michael's way or no. he's my boyfriend... But I hit him. I feel horrible right now. He was only trying to make things better and once again i fucked things up. I guess Luke was right though, maybe I should let him cool off without me bothering him, but I couldn't just leave it. I took a deep breath and walked up to my room.

hoping to avoid him. I looked around and grabbed my laptop, signing on to twitter. There was thousands of tweets and thousands of new followers. With a face of shock I scrolled down, oh that's why. "@Onedirection: proud to announce the @5SecsofSummer boys are coming on tour with us!" Well that will do it. I look down my followers list, a little past 500,000 followers. It's crazy what fangirls could do.

I retweeted all the boys' tweets and shut off the computer. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run to Michael and hug him, sobbing in his shirt of how sorry I am. He didn't do anything wrong to me, all he did was try to make things better. I can't stress how much I hope nothing will change, that Michael won't hate me. I could barely breathe. It felt hard, like my thoughts were you suffocating me. I just laid down and stared at the wall, feeling lifeless.

*Michael's P.O.V*

"Okay your turn" Harry said and I rolled the dice again moving my piece 5 spots forward. I smiled at him and picked up a card.

"I have to move back 3 spots! You're back in the lead blondy!" I laughed ruffling his hair but he didn't seem to be enjoying himself.

"Did Ashton ever tell you?" He scooped up the dice and started to shake it in his hands.

"Tell me what?" I asked curiously and he rolled it, moving his piece over a few spots.

"It's a secret" he said smiling a tiny bit.

"What secret?"

"I can't tell you" he moved his piece and looked up at me. I stared at him and slowly grabbed the dice rolling it once again. I ignored the "secret" for a few moments before my curiosity got the best of me.

"What's the secret?" I whined again and he laughed.

"I can't tell you a secret. That's the whole point of a secret!" I let out a sigh and stuck out my pinky.

"I won't tell Ashton you told me." I promised and he sighed, clutching our pinkies together.

"The first time I came here Ashton told me he had a crush... On you" he said and I could feel myself smile a little.

"I know. You had me wondering for nothing Harry!" I laughed.

"How did you know he liked you?" He said giving me a questionable stare.

"I guess he didn't tell you" I giggled. "We've been dating for a while now" his face suddenly lit up in excitement.

"Really?!" He asked smiling widely at me, I smiled back and nodded.

"Yea! About a week or two... I really like him" I blushed. "He's the only one who tried to care about me" I said and he smiled at the ground.

"He is a really caring person. I miss that most about him" I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"So are you, I guess it runs in your family" he shook his head.

"Just me and Ash, my mom and John are complete assholes" I shrugged my shoulders

"Yea I understand a lot of the families I lived with were like that too" he looked at me with confusion.

"You didn't live with only one family?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I moved around a lot when I was little, my parents gave me up for adoption and I never stayed in a family for too long. A lot of the families I lived with were really mean, just like John. I don't think he likes me very much" i said and Harry shrugged his shoulders. 

"Hey he doesn't like me either so join the club" he said. I smiled at him when suddenly the phone rang. I quickly got up and clicked the phone. "hello?" I asked twirling around the phone wire. 

"Hello this is Johnathon from The police department. We have leads on Ashton Irwin's attack and needs him and Michael Clifford to come down as soon as possible" He said and I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. 

"Right away sir thank you" I said and hung up the phone quickly walking to Ashton's room.


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