Chapter 29: Savanti Romero Gets the Scepter

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Knights of Camelot came towards them as they prepared themselves for anything.

"Halt, strangers. This land belongs to the king. What business have you here?" one knight asked.

"By my blessed horse, I think the little green ones are orcs," a second said.

"Whoa!" Raph exclaimed as they knocked him to the side.

"Aye, that's a right ugly one right there, it is," the first commented.

"Who you calling ugly?!" Raph and Jamie snapped.

They looked at each other and blushed at each other then went back to serious faces at the knights.

"And look at this one. The fiercest of the lot. I bet he eats children for dinner, he does," another knight remarked, indicating Mikey.

"I don't eat people, dude. I'm a pizzatarian," Mikey threw back.

"Do not fret, maidens fair. We will free you of your evil orc captors," the first knight said to Jamie and Renet.

"Ugh," both girls groaned.

"Attack the pizzatarians!" the first knight commanded.

They all launched into battle: Raph, Jamie, and Mikey on one, Donnie and Renet on another, and Leo on the last. Leo even managed to get a horse and joust with another and he won it. Then Renet used her Energy Knuckles to fight them off until she lifted the knights in the air.

"Whoa! What magic is this?" one knight exclaimed.

"Please, sir knights. You must understand. These turtles are not orcs. They are friendly goblins from the uh, Western Realms. And this is the warrior princess of Avalon, Princess Jamie," Renet explained.

The knights gasped at the mention of Jamie being a princess. They all bowed then the first knight removed his helmet to get a better look at the turtles, even though his eyes were crossed.

"Oh, I see," he said, approached Raph, then added, "Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes? And might I just say, thy princess is beautiful."

Jamie was feeling uncomfortable with the knight looking at her like that. Raph got in his face right then, sensing Jamie's nervousness.

"I can make your face into a shoe. And the princess is my girlfriend!" Raph shouted.

He calmed down when he felt Jamie hug his arm.

"Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero," Donnie said in a Posh-British accent.

"Egad! You do not want to go there. You don't even want to speak his name, lest you summon him," the first knight warned.

"Who? Savanti Romero? That punk? Please. I can take that horn-headed freak in my sleep. He's chump change. A crump snatcher. I'm not scared of him in the--" Mikey mocked.

Then the evil time master appeared behind him during his little speech. The others readied their weapons as Mikey babbled on. Then he noticed their stances.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?" Mikey asked then whimpered as he looked up.

"Fools!" Savanti yelled.

He knocked Mikey and the others to the side then took the scepter from Renet.

"Finally, the scepter is mine!" Savanti said.

"'Tis the Demon of the Tower! Run away! Run away!" the knights exclaimed, running away.

"The Time Scepter will never stop the turtles and Jamie! So maybe you'll give it back?" Renet said.

"Never! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti shouted, slamming the staff into the ground.

"Get him!" Leo commanded.

They attacked but Savanti disappeared. Then so did they. Then history seemed to repeat itself.

"You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti yelled.

"Get him!" Leo commanded.

They attacked again, but they soon disappeared again then they were back to where they were.

"You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti yelled.

"What the heck is going on?" Raph asked.

"Yeah, didn't this just happen?" Mikey wondered.

"Savanti must have stuck us in some kind of time loop," Donnie said.

"Well, this takes 'history repeating itself' to a whole new level," Jamie responded.

Then they disappeared again then went back to where they were originally.

"You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti yelled.

"Dudes, I'm starting to think we'll be forever stuck in the confines of time," Mikey exclaimed.

"Well, Headdress, you got us into this," Raph told Renet.

She charged her Energy Knuckles, turned to Jamie, tossed her one, and asked, "You wanna help me?"

"I would love to," Jamie smirked, catching the one Renet tossed to her.

Then they disappeared and they were back to where they started.

"You shall be forever stuck in the con--" Savanti started.

Both girls let out battle cries as they both punched the time master, stopping the time loop.

"You both punched out the time loop? That is awesome!" Donnie exclaimed.

He hugged Renet, making Mikey jealous, while Raph hugged Jamie.

"Come on, we have to find Savanti," Renet urged.

Donnie let her go and Mikey gave him a glare, telling him to back off. They all started to get on the horses.

"Aw, man. Turtles on horses? This is just so weird," Raph said, making the horse snort and he fell over.

"Let's try that way," Leo instructed.

"Come on! Ah, easy fella!" Raph exclaimed then screamed as the horse ran with him on it.

"Whoa! Easy, boy! It's okay! Easy!" Jamie replied, calming the horse down.

She pet his head then got on him, in front of Raph.

"You know how to handle horses? Is there anything you can't do?" Raph smirked.

"It's a gift. I can handle you, can't I?" Jamie smirked back.

He chuckled and they kissed briefly before going off with the others.

"So now we're riding a horse together. Is this our first date?" Mikey asked eagerly.

"Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet," Renet answered, making Mikey whimper.


A/N They got out of the time loop, but what else does Savanti Romero have up his sleeve for them?

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