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Maggie walked into a beautiful hotel, her bag strapped against her shoulder, hair neatly tied up in a bun. This was nothing like what was she used to before, or at least what she thought was before, there was always blood splattered onto her and a knife always wrapped around with her fingers, her heart would be practically jumping out of her chest every second. But he.. Glenn, made hell seem like heaven. When they had their rare moments alone together, Maggie felt like they weren't love sick kids in a tragedy but like a fairy tale, the ones her mother read to her as a child right before bed, those stories gave Maggie some type of hope. But after everyone died, after her boots weren't splattered with mud but with the blood of people she loved, she lost that hope.

But that was before she met Glenn, Glenn Rhee the love of all her lives, Glenn Rhee the man that had a heart so big and so full of love that he gave her a ring in a world where no one cared about marriage or love anymore, just surviving. But in Glenn's eyes, surviving meant Maggie knowing how much he loved her.

So when Maggie painfully closed her eyes as Rick placed the barrel of the gun against her forehead, her hand tightly clutching the large bite wound on her neck, she expected pearly gates and Glenn and her father with Maggie waiting for her, just like her father explained every Sunday morning. But she woke up with only some partial memories, she remembered her death, she remembered Glenn's death and the ring on her finger that Glenn gave her.

Maggie may not have remembered all of her memories, but she felt the love deep within her heart for Glenn. Or whatever he was going by nowadays, it didn't matter what Glenn changed his name to, Maggie remembered his face and she had their memories, all she needed was to meet Glenn.

But that was her young dreams as a child. Now as a twenty five year old wedding photographer she still held hope that she would meet Glenn again.

Maggie quickly walked into the reception, she didn't notice the names and pictures plastered onto the walls, this gig her sister, Beth, set her up with. All Maggie cared about was the cash she made on the side, she had bills to pay and food to buy, so the faces she would take pictures of was the least of her concerns.

She quickly pulled her camera out of the heavy bag weighing down her shoulder, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, she quickly spun around.

"You're Maggie right?"

Maggie felt her heart beat faster than ever, faster than when walkers came sprinting after her. Of course, only Glenn could make her heart beat this fast..

Maggie stood dumbfounded, her hand nearly stretched up and caressed his face, but she quickly came to her senses..

"Y-Yeah. Maggie, I'm the photographer" said Maggie as her eyes focused on Glenn's smooth non bloodied skin

"Haha really? I couldn't really tell" said Glenn, with a small smile

"W-Who are you?" asked Maggie, her heart beating faster by the second

"Glenn, Glenn Rhee, sorry if I bothered you I just wanted to ask you if you wanted some help. That bag looks super heavy" he said with a kind smile that reminded Maggie of the sweet smile he had when he slipped the ring onto her finger

"Yeah" she slowly said as she passed the bag into his hands and began to pull lenses and batteries out.

"God, I felt like I've met you before" Glenn said, breaking the silence

Bitter irony stung Maggie's chest, she gave him a kind smile "Yeah I got that vibe too"

"So who's wedding is this?" asked Maggie as her eyes scanned her camera, her hands gently pressing the lens into the camera.

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