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Maggie awoke with a painful gasp, blood poured from the wound on her neck, blood ran down down to her collarbone and dripped onto her cheap bedspread as she quickly pushed herself off of her small bed, she ran into her even smaller bathroom. Her feet slapped onto the cheap, dirty tile, she clawed at the drawer's handle, she rummaged through it, razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste flew out and onto the ground. She roughly yanked out the box of bandages, and quickly began to wrap it around her neck. The bandages instantly became stained with crimson, the bitter iron smell wafted into Maggie's nose. 

She looked into the mirror, her large shirt began to have crimson spots growing across it. And for the first time, Maggie looked in the mirror to see her face, her cheekbones stuck out more, cuts and bruises covered her neck and cheeks. Her eyes were sunken, the dark green that often stood out- became dull. 

She dropped the bandage onto the ground, a scowl forming onto her face, her fist curled. She walked back into her room. 



She shook her head in disgust as she peaked out her windows, a man collapsed onto his knees, even in the darkness she could see the blood pouring out of his stomach. The car roared and sped down the street, she didn't dare go out, it was dangerous to involve herself in other gang member's business. 

"Sloppy" Maggie thought as she walked back onto her bed, and collapsed onto it. Not caring for the crimson blood splatters on the sheets. 

Her eyes closed, she rested in till loud pounding on her door awoke her. 

"Fucking cops" she muttered as she pulled herself from her dirty bed. She yanked off her old shirt, grasping at the ground to pull one off of the floor. She quickly pulled it on as the pounding became louder.

She peeped through the window, a man stood outside, tattoos covering his arms and a scowl on his face. 

"I fucking know you're in there Maggs. Ya don't do anything else beside sleep all fuckin day" he said 

Maggie rolled her eyes and pulled the creaky door open, "Nice to see you too shit face." 

As the man walked in, his face scrunched up. "For fucks sake. Did ya murder someone in here?" 

Maggie looked down, blood covered her new shirt. She muttered curses under her breath, "I fucking will if my cut opens up one more time." 

He roughly yanked at the bandages, "Again?" 

"What do ya think Sherlock?" Maggie replied, she began to unravel her bandages. 

She looked back at him, he was large man, terrifying to look at. A constant scowl and merciless eyes, his arms covered with tattoos. But this was all costume for him, this man practically raised Maggie. 

His eyes showed concern, like he was cornering an innocent puppy he slowly raised his hand back to her neck. He yanked at the bandages, the cheap material easily fell apart in his large hands. He grimaced at the large cut that reopened again, "Maggs, please go see a doctor" 

"I don't need one." she said, she gently pushed his hand back, "I'll live." 

"So what did ya want ya fuckin grizzly" Maggie said, trying to break the silence. 

"Well Daryl got us into some stupid shit. Ya know I hate bringing ya into this" he said, "But you're one badass gunslinger" 

"So what's the stupid shit?" asked Maggie, she began to walk back into her room, Rick slowly walking behind her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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