Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

After a few hours of flying Moorwin and I returned to the castle, I shivered just having to return. It was a prison, a prison of bad memories and things I needed to let go of. But I needed to go back; taking a deep breath I entered the stone-walls for what I hoped to be the last time.

I took my time weaving the through the city, it looked exactly like I remembered. The streets were deserted. People were staying out of harms way. Most of the buildings were in desperate need of repair. Weary people peered from their windows. I smiled weakly back. These people had been through just as much as me and deserved to live free of tyranny.

A small figure appeared from around one of the corners. It was a young girl, her clothes were well worn and her face smudged with dirt. She watched me with big brown eyes, so full of untapped innocence. For just a moment I was jealous of her unspoiled innocence but it was fleeting. I had to stop myself from lingering in the past and what ifs. Kneeling down I gave her a small smile.

"Hello." Her eyes widened when she realized it was to her I had spoken. She stared for a few moments taking me in. I was most likely in no better shape than her. I wore nearly worn bare riding leavers and a shirt with far too many rips and tears even a few splashes of blood. My hair was probably a wild mess and dirt smeared on my face. "I am not going to hurt you."

She considered my words for a moment before slowly coming forward. Blonde hair was matted down with dirt and natural oils. Her small hand reached out for me, reciprocating I reached out to her. Our hands met and a glimmer of a smile teased at her lips.

"Thank you." She stammered.

"For what?"

"For saving us." Another voice replied. Startled I stood and turned to the new speaker. It was Samuel, his family in tow, all of his family. Happiness radiated within me. At least his family was not spilt from my misfortune.

"Samuel." I raced forward and into a hug. His arms wrapped around me hugging me tight. "You are alright." I sighed.

"We are alright, and it is because of you Gwen. Before you came our crop had failed and the King was threatening to evict us from our land if we did not produce a successful crop. You saved my family." I was slightly taken aback at his words. I knew things had become grave in my absence but not quite this severe.

"I am glad you are alright." I repeated.

"Me too. Laymeria is in your debt."

"The only reason most of this happened was because of me so it was only right that I fix it."

"Laymeria's King had long been sick, young one. It was not you who pushed this land into peril, but it was you who righted it." A woman of great age had stepped forward out of a crowd of people who had gathered.

"But I did not do it alone."

"I does not matter Gwendolyn Markworth. The dragons have risen and that was you. Accept our thanks." Rather than argue I simply bowed my head. The gathered crowd applauded.

"Thank you." After exchanging words with a few other grateful citizens I began wandering back to the castle where Dimitri had told me to meet him at sundown.

"Gwen, wait up!" Samuel called running to catch up with me.

"Should you not be helping your family?" I asked.

"They will be alright for a bit, but what I am wanting to know is if you are?" I stopped for a moment and considered his words.

"No, I do not think I am." I paused. Samuel was clearly distraught. "But I will be, just not yet. I need time."

ȼhɨℓď ๏ƒ ƒɨя€ (ώąţţ¥ ąώąяď$ 2012) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now