Chapter 2 - Attraction

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Taehyung's POV

Taehyung had every right to feel confused over what happened few days ago. After all he's never felt this way towards someone before and it would be a lie to say that Jungkook hasn't been on his mind ever since. Deep down he knew it wasn't just a simple infatuation that everyone experiences but rather his six sense was telling him that there was something more to it.

"I'm probably overthinking" he mumbled quietly.

Although it was just another typical day, Taehyung felt a weird sensation surging up in his tummy. He decided to shrug it off thinking it might just be the summer heat that's playing with his senses. As always he was on his way to help Jin at the daycare but he didn't realize that he was attracting the attention of many alphas. They were ogling him up at down, gawking at his stunning beauty, and his striking features looked more beautiful than ever. They even took notice of the pleasant aroma he was giving off causing everyone to look at him with lustful eyes.

That was just the beginning of his heat and being so dense and oblivious, Tae doesn't even notice any of that. He was more into his own world thinking about the pups and looking at their cute faces. When he finally arrived at the daycare, Jin looked somewhat in distress...

"Tae! You're finally here! I'm sending you on an errand can you please give this to Namjoon. He forgot the documents at home and he has a meeting with the alphas. It's important you gotta go right now it starts in 15 mins"

"Hyung I don't even know where Namjoon is?! I'm gonna get lost!"

"You'll be fine Tae! I trust you, he's on the east block where you saw the alphas coming back from the hunt last time, the big tent where the meetings always take place"

"Hurry please."

"Okayy I got it hyung calm down I'll be on my way then"

Taehyung hurriedly took the documents and sprinted to the said location. Judging that there's only 10 mins left he decided to transformed into his wolf form to gain speed in order to get there faster. It's truly been a long time since he has run this fast, his silky golden coat embracing the warmth of the sun was something indescribable that he could never get enough of. He felt ecstatic feeling the air around him engulfing his entire being during the course. It's been almost a year since he has shapeshifted and the others were amazed at his beauty once again. His agility passing through people not hitting anything and not bumping into anyone with this kind of speed was one of his forte he was proud of.

How could Namjoon forget such an important thing he's usually very responsible. Taehyung rolled his eyes thinking that he probably slept in and was late in the morning. Oh well he's been trying to impregnate Jin lately but hyung has been coming home dead tired and would crash right away. They've been wanting to have kids of their own I guess Namjoon finally got the chance last night. No wonder he sent me to do this he's probably really sore.

"Heh" Taehyung smirked and shook his head to prevent his imagination from running wild.

When he finally reached the destination Taehyung suddenly stopped and felt a knot building inside his tummy again but it was stronger this time. After running this fast he was panting hard and needed to catch his breath. But the most urgent task had yet to be completed so he decided to ignore that sensation again and quickly transformed back to his human form.

"I don't have time to think about myself right now I gotta find namjoon" he insisted

Just when he was about to find the tent he was assaulted with a familiar scent. The scent of an alpha that rendered him completely weak.


It was almost compelling as if it was meant to draw him in and as he got closer to the tent it got stronger. That's when he quickly realized something that made him think back at that time.

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