Chapter 8 - An Alpha's Heat

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Jungkook POV

Jungkook was happy and couldn't stop smiling.

A deep satisfaction settled in him as he felt the thrill and adrenaline pump in his blood. Here he was running alongside his mate both determined to win. The two wolves raced through the forest, evading trees at rapid speed and jumping over fallen branches leaving their big prints in the mud on their path.

Jungkook was impressed at how his mate was able to keep up with an alpha. He didn't expect that Taehyung was an exception as omega wolves were usually weak in strength. But little did he know that the younger had quite a formidable speed.

The elder got closer and nipped the younger's leg earning a playful growl from him. He nipped again and again wanting to tease him. That's when Taehyung swat his tail across Jungkook's muzzle and turned around to nip him back. Jungkook laughed at the adorable attack from his mate. The two playfully howled, nipped, and headbutt each other while rolling on the ground.

That's when Jungkook noticed a smile plastered on Tae's face. That wasn't a good sign and the elder was left dumbfounded when the other took off and soon their playful time reverted back to the race. Their challenge was back on and Taehyung wanted to show the elder that he wasn't to be underestimated again.


Catch me if you can babe. The younger laughed upon seeing Kookie's priceless face

Jungkook met up with Taehyung who was sitting at the top of the cliff smiling and waiting for the elder to join him. That was the first time he'd lost at a challenge but it didn't matter because it was against Taehyung, the love of his life. He accepted his lost as he slowly sat closer by his side both admiring the view of the sunset. Their bodies touching and purred in pleasure as they cherished this pleasant feeling and special moment. They were happy as their tails crossed each others with Taehyung leaning his head on Jungkook's neck to which the elder gave him happy kisses.

For the first time in his life Taehyung felt a very gratifying feeling. He had a lot to think about but just being with Jungkook he felt free of worries and anything unpleasant. That was how much of an impact mates had on each other. They were captivated at first glance, felt immeasurable tingles and intoxicating feelings and now here they were finally together and bonded.

Jungkook broke Taehyung's train of thoughts when he tickled him trying to grab the younger's attention.

"I can't believe I lost to you. I admit though that was quite impressive" Jungkook said laughing

"Looks like you're ready to get your punishment tonight" Taehyung turned winking at him almost too good to be true

Jungkook was really taken aback at how assertive and dominant his mate was behaving. He had no complaint though as he loved that new side of Tae. After all, he also wanted to feel needed by his mate and that was clearly being shown through Taehyung.

He loved it. Maybe a bit too much.

The two went back to the alpha's house walking side by side slowing making way to the door. Arousal filled the house as they both stepped in. Both grabbing each other and kissing ferociously. Tongues gliding one another, their lips being devoured in the process earning a moan from the younger to which Jungkook groaned in response.

Taehyung for the first time felt Jungkook's arousal, driving him mad crazy as his scent spread out immensely so much that he whimpered and shivered through the elder's every touch. The omega in him howled in pure bliss knowing his alpha desired him highly. Taehyung felt something poking his stomach and that's when he knew Jungkook was rock hard.

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