Chapter 2: Enter The Best Friend

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 The next day, I came to school with ease. My normal routine of waking up drowsily seemed to have changed for today. I always get dropped off like an hour and five minutes before school starts because that's the only time I can get a ride from my parents before they head off to work. I start walking towards my usual seat in the new dining room, which is pretty much just an extra room recently built into the Commons. (Commons=Cafeteria, that threw me off my freshman year). Every morning me and my friends play Halo: Combat Evolved on our school laptops. I open my school laptop and I set up the usual room in Halo so that by the time they get here, it's ready to go. It's strange when you sit alone in a usually crowded room; just you and your thoughts. 

 Waiting there I started remembering back to freshman year, back to when I met her; she who shall not be named. It's been over a year, should I still feel agony when I think about her, still want to sneak out of a room when I see her? I know I shouldn't but I do. I'm just lucky I only see her once a day in the hallway, and even luckier that she doesn't see me. But it tricks me out how much like clockwork it is that I see her right after second period. Starting to notice the sad, spaced-out look on my face, I snapped out of it and just got ready for the swear fest we call our Halo matches. 

 It's that time of the day now. It's second period, AVID. I always like walking in there to see one of my best friends ever, Kimilee. Everyone just calls her Kim, though, I don't blame them. She's interesting; she is a mix of Salvadorian, Russian, and Japanese. Since I've known her, which would be since seventh grade, I only knew she was Salvadorian. I didn't find out she was mixed until last year. We're having our usual chat while procrastinating on the work. I thought to myself, "Should I tell Kim about Katy?" I've always had issues telling people my secrets. Well she is one of my best friends, "So you remember that girl I was walking with?" "That freshman-looking girl," she replied. "She doesn't look freshman! She's in my English class. She's the love of my life," I proclaimed. "No, no," she started saying, "you better not be getting involved with a little freshman girl!" "She's not freshman, I told you she's in my English class," I said. "Mhmm, I'm sure she isn't," she said "but just remember, I'm still the main woman and she will be the other woman." "Ok, Kim," I said sarcastically. 

 The bell rang; I was so excited to see Katy again that I just ran out of the room, almost dragging Kim out of the room behind me. I was so excited that for a second, I'd forgotten how much clockwork hates me. I was facing she who shall not be named, and she was facing my direction. I don't know if she saw me or not, and I honestly didn't want to stick around to find out if she did. I just turned to Kim, pretended to say something to her, and walked off towards class. I was glad when that was over. 

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