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"why not"?. He ask

"Na I wanna stay here".

"Alright im gonna go okay". He said

"Yes love u". I said

"Me too".

I heard him close the front door. I didn't wanted to go to school today cause I felt depressed cause my parents left, and the school WAS JUST SOME BULLSHIT .
I thought I was strong and I can hold the hate that people have on meh but I cant.
  I bet u guys are wondering how does my brother look like and im gonna show u guys.

Ik he ugly I don't know what luna sees in him

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Ik he ugly I don't know what luna sees in him. Next is Esa. She really  pretty.

Next is Esa boyfriend

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Next is Esa boyfriend.

He looks kinda ugly here but he cute

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He looks kinda ugly here but he cute.
Next is alexx even though u saw him already

 Next is alexx even though u saw him already

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He looks better in this pic but yea.
Next is jason.

Thats jason he pretty cute

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Thats jason he pretty cute.
Next up is alejandro

Thats alejandro I love his eyes

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Thats alejandro I love his eyes.

Knock knock

I went down stairs and looked out the window.
It was my brother. I open the door

"Spenser ur suppose to be in school".

"Ikk but I got bored and I decide to come home". He said

"Okay lol". I said

"Guess what".


"Alex asked me for u and im dating luna".

"Ur dating luna what does she see in u. And alex asked for meh". I said nervously

"Yes didn't I just said that and im gonna go now to my room and tomorrow is the party so I called Esa to come over tomorrow and take u to the store". He said

"Aww u did that for meh thats why I love u so much".
                6 hours later
Ugh im so bored. Its barely 9: 00


"Ughh Umm". I said

"Amanda down here".

I check out my window and It was alex with his body guards behide him.

"ALEX what are u doing here".

"Sorry I needed to see u". He said

"To see me for what"?

"Amanda I need to go". He said

"Lol bye alex".

"See u in my party".


I close my window. Lol he is so cute.

Ugh im just gonna go to sleep.


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