Chapter 3 -Chim chim?

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You woke up and felt two arms wrapped around you tightly."Where am I?"you thought.You looked beside you and saw...MR PARK?You started to recall back from whatever that happened and remembered what happened the previous night.

You slowly unwrapped his arms which were tightened around your waist,hoping not to wake him up.

"Y/N you're up?"Mr Park askedas he flashed a grin at you.That grin...Looked like Jimin's...You were a little taken aback by his winsome smile, it was absolutely charming.

"Jimin?"you mumbled.

"Y/N is something wrong?"Mr Park asked. You quickly shook your head.Mr Park can't be Jimin right?He is my teacher after all...Jimin is in Busan right?

"Y/N I will make breakfast. Wait for me here okay?"Mr Park asked. You nodded. You started to look around his room and something caught your eyes. It was pictures of him when he was a child. He looked so alike to Jimin. There was also one picture of him with a birthday cake...his birthday was...13 October 1995?Isnt it the same as Jimin's?He's only 23??

"Y/N breakfast is ready,"Mr Park called as you quickly rushed out of his room. You didn't dared to look at him the whole time. What if he is really Jimin?

"Y/N what are you thinking about? Eat up."Mr park said.You slightly nodded as you continued to eat the breakfast made by him. It was actually quite delicious.

"Mr Park, can I ask you something?" You asked.

"Sure what do you want to know?"Mr Park said.

You gathered up all your courage and asked,"Do you probably know who is Jimin?"

"No I don't know who he is."Mr Park said.

"Because Jimin is me."he added.You were shocked. You couldn't believe it.All these finally found Jimin??I will stay with you. Always. It was true?

"You finally realised...after two weeks?I am so hurt."Jimin said as he pouted.You couldn't hide your happiness for the fact that you finally found Jimin your Long lost Friend and oppa.

"Then can I call you Jimin now?"you asked.

"I will appreciate if you add an oppa behind."he said as he smiled at you"But in school we are in a teacher-and-student relationship so I won't allow you to call me by name."he added. You nodded.

"I finally found my Jimin oppa ," you said happily.

"Your Jimin oppa?"Jimin asked as he raised an eyebrow at you. You covered your mouth as you realised what you had just said. He chuckled at your cuteness.

"You know I thought I will never see you again so I always see you in my dream," you said . I missed you idiot... So badly. That I can't sleep properly every night.

"Oppa, are you married by now? "you randomly asked.

" No. But why are you interested in my love life? "he asked as he smirked. You blushed and shook your head.

You continued eating your breakfast until something called Jimin oppa's eyes. He suddenly leaned towards you with a piece of tissue and wiped the corner of your mouth. He was so close to you that you can feel his warm breath. You did not there to move, not even a single inch.

Jimin oppa went back to his seat and continued eating. "Y/N, I didn't know your math was this bad," Jimin oppa said, abruptly. You looked down as you were embarrassed.

"It's okay, I will do my best to help you, "Jimin oppa said as he gave a warm smile. You nodded. It was time for you to go.You returned his clothes and changed back to your uniform and returned 'home', the place where you didn't want to go.

You suddenly felt drips of tiny raindrops landing on your shoulder. Darn it! It started raining. At first it was just a tiny bit but the tiny drops of rain became big drops of rain. "What do I do now? "you thought.

Luckily you found a bus stop with shelter and decided to wait there until the rain stops. **Ding** your phone started ringing. It was from Jimin oppa. You accepted the call.

" Yobuseyo? "Jimin oppa asked.

" Yes I'm y/n. "You replied.

" Y/N where are you? It's raining I will go bring an umbrella, "he said.

" Ah its okay I can wait for the rain to stop. "You said.

" Just tell me where you are and don't go anywhere. "he said and ended the call. You had no choice but to send him the address.

[few minutes later]
" Y/N are you wet? "Jimin oppa asked, sounding a little concerned.

" No I am okay. "You replied. Then you realised Jimin oppa only brought one umbrella, which means WE ARE GONNA SHARE IT? You looked at him, with an uncomfortable look on your face.

" Y/N, is something wrong? "Jimin oppa asked. You shooked your head..

" Kaja. "he said as he opened the umbrella. You didn't dare to walk close with him as you were too shy so half of your body was not covered. Jimin oppa noticed and grabbed your wrist to pull you closer to him.

" My little sister grown up a lot huh. "Jimin oppa suddenly said. Little sister... Im Only a little sister to him right? I'm not even attractive and all...

" Remember the time when you were in 3rd grade and forgot to bring an umbrella? We were walking like this too. But you were much smaller and cuter... "Jimin oppa teased.

" Yah! What do you mean? I'm still cute aren't I? "you said as you pouted.

" Arraseo you are still cute. Not pretty, "he teased again as he ruffled your hair. You pouted again. I'm just cute to him... He doesn't even think that I'm pretty...

You reached your house. Shattered glass was everywhere that you had to walk in with shoes. Jimin oppa stayed with you and cleaned up together with you. Then, your dad came home...

"WHO IS THIS? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! "Your dad shouted still wobbly, he probably went out to drink again and only came back in the morning. He picked up a piece of glass on the floor and aimed it at Jimin.

" APPA!DON'T! "You yelled as you blocked Jimin oppa. The shatter glass went into your hand. Your hand started bleeding. Jimin's eyes widened. He quickly brought you to a chair beside.

" Y/N where is the first aid kit? "Jimin Oppa asked. You pointed to where it was and he took it. He took out the piece of shattered glass. You didn't scream, it was common that you hurt yourself.

"This might be painful," he said. As he dabbed the cotton wool on your wound. You bit your lips and didn't make a sound at all.

"It's not painful? "he asked. You shooked your head and gave a faint smile. You brought your dad to his room, he needed a rest real bad. Jimin insisted to clean the rest up and asked you to rest.

" Thank you so much! Jimin oppa! Sorry for wasting your time! "you thanked and bowed sincerely. He shooked his head and went home.

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