Chapter 11-I Like You

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Why? Because I like you.

"Why didn't you write anything?" Ms Lee asked. You refused to reply.

"Detention for you," Ms Lee said. You looked down. Aish... What do I do now. It didn't matter anymore. Now that your mom isn't with you anymore.

Great. You had to skip Jimin oppas lesson again.


You sat in the Detention room, feeling bored and lonely. How you wish you could be with Jimin oppa now.

You had to finish your essay before you are able to go home. You stared at the blank piece of paper. You couldn't write anything. It was like asking a prey kill its predator.

It was half past six. School was almost ending and nothing was written. That's it. You scribbled all your thoughts about a happy family and submitted your essay. Without you noticing, you wrote thoughts about your broken family and how much you missed them.

You walked out, surprised to see Jimin oppa waiting outside. You walked past him but to your surprise, he did not stop you at all.

Ms Lee then walked out. That was when you realised, Jimin oppa was waiting for Ms Lee. Scary thoughts engulfed your mind, am I losing my oppa?

You felt a lump in your throat. The urge to cry, it was so strong. Why is the world so cruel.

You were frustrated, annoyed, irritated. Everything looked so annoying to you. You were depressed, lonely and sad. You started crying. It was stupid. But it didn't matter. Why? Because it didn't matter. It was all over. The feeling of losing someone. Because you always thought he liked me

He liked me

He liked me

"Y/N?" Jimin oppa tapped your shoulder. Your face was tear stained. You ignored him and quickly ran home.

[At home]

Your phone was flooding with messages from Jimin oppa.

"Y/N are you okay?"

"Y/N, answer me I am really worried."

"Where are you?"

"I am going to your house now."

You saw the last message. Oh No. What do you do now?

The doorbell rang before you knew. Your face was still in a mess. Good thing you didn't put on any makeup so it didn't look that bad.

You slowly open the door, revealing Jimin oppas face. He had 'worried' written all over his face.

"W...why did y... You come?" you stuttered.

"Because I was worried you might do something stupid." he said.

"Why did you cry?" he asked as he wiped the tears of your face. You ignored him.

He walked closer. "Why did you cry?" he asked again, this time with a serious look on his face.

You still didn't answer.

"Y/N, something is wrong, I know. Just tell me." He said, sounding a little annoyed this time.

This is the time to tell him. A small voice was heard.

"What is wrong? You! It's all because of you. That's why I'm crying. You always make my heart break and put it back the next day. You make me feel all types of feelings. You make me feel jealousy, make me feel sad, make me feel happy." you said.

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