Chapter 5-I Will Protect You

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You rolled around your bed thinking about what he said. Confession. That word was totally out of reach. How do I even confess?

You walked into the quiet school halls. You were early again. You walked into the classroom. Jungkook was already there. He laid his head on the table restlessly as he slept. You can't help but look at his charming face. He was really handsome...

You sat down beside him and took out your supplies. Suddenly Jungkook patted your table. You gave him a confused look.

"Lay down. You look tired." Jungkook said. You rested your head on your desk. Your eyes met. You couldn't help but stare at Jungkook's charming eyes. He was really handsome. Like one from a movie.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jungkook suddenly asked. You pointed at yourself. "Me?" he nodded.

"Who would like this ugly face?"You asked as you chuckled.

"I think you are really pretty though." Jungkook commented. You can't help but start blushing hard. Someone called you pretty in a dozen years.

"Wanna go on a date today?" Jungkook asked.

"I have extra lessons with Mr Park though." You replied.

Just then, Jimin oppa walked in. He saw us in the awkward position. We quickly got up and pretend that we were doing nothing.

"You two are early huh,"Jimin oppa said. We nodded simultaneously.

" Y/N. I can teach you now since you're early. Jungkook can join also. "Jimin oppa said."You don't have to stay today."

(After school)
"Let's go!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly. He probably had many dates. This is probably a time for me to get over Jimin too?

We went to various places and it was really fun. However, I don't feel the same way as I do when I'm with Jimin oppa. Jungkook is really sweet too but I just don't feel my heart beat increasing when I'm with him.

"I can walk home myself it's very near." You said to Jungkook since you didn't want to bother him sending you home. You walked home and walked past a bar. There you saw your dad, drinking with his friends and also a shoulder around a woman. You went into the bar and asked your dad to stop drinking but instead...

"Girl, wanna play with me? You are really pretty and you have a nice body." a middle aged man said as he eyed your body. You were really scared and you shook your head.

"C'mon don't be such a party pooper." he said as he started coming close to you and eventually you felt a wall hit your back. He was so close that he was about to kiss you. He harshly pinned you to the wall with his hands securing your wrist.

(Jimin's pov)

I was walking home and I kept thinking about Y/N and Jungkook. Is she home yet? Did he send him home? How I wish I could have a date with her...

Just then I passed by a bar. I peeked inside and saw a familiar figure. WAIT... ISN'T THAT Y/N? OH NO! THAT JERK.

I quickly run inside the bar....

(Your pov)

"Someone save me!" you shouted softly. Suddenly you felt someone unpin you from the wall. You suddenly felt two arms wrapped around you.

"It's okay. I'm here." The person said. You looked up. It was Jimin. You felt a lot safer that he was with you. He then brought you outside and started scolding you.

"Why are you even in a bar? You know how dangerous it is?" he asked.

"My A.. Appa."you said as you pointed at him. He was hugging an underdressed girl and he was heavily drunk.

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