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Pink hair don't care

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Pink hair don't care

Shawnmendes, Okokalright, Aaroncarpenter and 234,031 liked your post


Username1: so positive after something so negative
Username2: hot
Madisonbeer: baby 😻😻
Camerondallas: *cough* @shawnmendes *cough*
Taylorcaniff: Shawn get to ass over here
Shawnmendes: calm down @taylorcaniff  @camerondallas
Shawnmendes: 😻❤
Fanacc1: GOALS^
Hateacc1: ew
Kyliejenner: I'm in love with the hair😍😍
Toriwilliams: Thank you!! Xx @kyliejenner
Username3: boyyy, answer the rest pls
Username4: ignoring  mads and the guys??
Usernname5: give her a bit of space ppl, she just broken up with a bit she thought she trusted
Fanacc2: so sad seeing Tori like this,
Fanacc3: she's good at covering up the fact she's sad
Toriwilliams: I'm more than sad^
Toriwilliams: I'm sorry that I'm being distant, it's hard when you thought you could trust someone that you dated for six months for them to turn around and cheat on you. It's not as easy as it looks to just 'get over it'. It hurts, it really fucking hurts.
Username7: #torideservesbetter

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