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Houston was my favourite place for the Puma

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Houston was my favourite place for the Puma

Toriwilliams, Taylorcaniff, Lorengray and 779,425 others liked your post

Toriwilliams: awe, Shawn baby you're failing miserably😂😂
Username1:I love you guys😭😭😭
Username2: come to Paris!!
Username3: please come to Australia
Madisonbeer: I agree there @username3
Shawnmendes: don't be so mean to me😂😂 @toriwilliams
Nashgrier: #shori^
Camerondallas: goals
Toriwilliams: Taylor wth you doing in this?😂😂
Taylorcaniff: well I thought I looked cool, obviously not😂😭 @toriwilliams
Username4: @exposingtoriwilliams has something I think people would enjoy

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