Ikanaide VIII

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Meliodas walked away as fast as he could once he felt Melia walk away. Someone was still following him. Meliodas stopped, he felt the person's presence behind him. Meliodas looked back to see Ban.

"Ban? You were the one following us?" Meliodas asked, Ban didn't speak though. Ban was looking down and Meliodas was unable to meet his eyes. 

"Ban?" Meliodas repeated, Ban sighed and looked at Meliodas in the eye. "Yeah, I was." 

"Why?" Meliodas asked, "do you really want to know here?" Ban asked, referring to their surroundings. Houses and people were walking around.

Meliodas sighed, understanding his point. "Where then?" Ban didn't have to speak, he just started to walk and Meliodas followed him.

Ban led Meliodas out to the forest. However it wasn't an ordinary forest to them. This was the last place the Boar Hat was run.

A wide space was in the middle of the forest, where the Boar Hat last stood. "Why here?" Meliodas asked, "you have a problem?" Ban asked back.

Meliodas didn't answer his question. Ban nodded, satisfied.

"I followed you because Lance said Melia was alone." Ban started, Meliodas at him in the eye. "Lance?" Meliodas soon remembered Melia talking about her best friend.

"Yeah, him. Well, when he went home, he was alone. King asked where Melia was and Lance said that she was alone at town. So I went to look for her, and well, I saw the both of you." Ban explained. 

"why didn't you just stop us?" Meliodas asked, Ban crossed his arms. "She's your daughter, how can I tear you guys apart? I'm not that evil." 

Meliodas didn't know if he was either going to smile and laugh at his joke or be touched. "Besides, I had to see how you acted around her."

"So, what did you think?" Meliodas asked, Ban gave him a grin. "You did great." 

Meliodas smiled at Ban, "I talked to Elizabeth, by the way." This caught Meliodas' attention. ban decided that he'd continue. "She wants you to come to her birthday." 

Meliodas was completely caught off guard. Him? go to his daughter's 13th birthday? After all those years that he didn't attend to? 

"But why should I?" Meliodas asked, even though he wanted to. Ban chuckled, "She loves you, doesn't she?" 

Meliodas stayed quiet at Ban's statement. "I can't possibly go looking like this." Meliodas looked at his clothes, his old white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest. 

Ban gave him a look, "Really? You were married to a Liones Princess and lived at the palace for a good whole year before the two of you decided to live at the town. Now don't tell me the King doesn't have clothes for you at the Palace." 

"Right." Meliodas chuckled, "Don't tell me those 13 years made you forget that?" Ban asked, I shook my head. "It's not that. It's just that, I'm going to Melia's 13th birthday. I'm going back to the palace and meet you guys. It's a lot to take in." 

Ban sighed, looking up the sky. "I have a question to ask." Regardless that Meliodas just said that he couldn't take a lot of things at the moment. 

"What is it?" Meliodas looked at Ban, who's smile had disappeared and turned into frown. Both of them looked at the sky. 

"Will you leave us again, Captain?" Captain. The name coming from Ban's mouth sounded refreshing to Meliodas. He's been called captain by other people for the past 13 years, but it had a different feeling when it came from the Seven Deadly Sins. 

Meliodas chuckled, "It's been a long time since I heard you say that." Ban agreed to it, it has been a long time. Just saying the name was nostalgic. 

"But, to answer your question. I don't know if I can stay just yet." Meliodas looked down, Ban looked at him. "Why not?" 

"Ban, I'm a demon, remember? and I'm cursed as well." Meliodas laughed, sadly. Ban couldn't help but just stare at Meliodas, he didn't quite get it. But Ban knew, that once Meliodas would open up the topic about him being a demon, the man was going to open up.

"Having a daughter," Meliodas paused, giving a weak chuckle. "I was happy to see that smile she had. A genuine smile, like her mother." 

"But I am cursed." Ban frowned at the word, Meliodas did too. "I didn't want to give her a troublesome childhood." 

"Ikanaide." Ban said out of nowhere, Meliodas' head immediately turned. "What did you say?" 

"I-ka-nai-de." Ban repeated, not looking at Meliodas. "Last words she said, no?" Ban asked, Meliodas looked down again, nodding.

"You wanted to protect everyone, is that right?" Ban asked, Meliodas nodded. "You forgot all about it, Captain." Meliodas gave him a questionable look. 

"The 4th by-law of the Seven Deadly Sins: Whenever one of us is in trouble, we will all unite with all our strength to come to their aid. Isn't that right?" Meliodas looked at Ban, He couldn't believe Ban used the law that he made specifically for them against him.

"I guess you broke your own rule~" Ban chuckled, "I.. completely forgot." This was all what Meliodas could say.

Ban walked up to Meliodas, putting an arm on his shoulder. "It's cool. You're the one who forged them, you kinda have the right to bend them." Making Meliodas chuckle.

"I'm sure that everyone will understand your explanation. Your complete explanation." Ban put his arm down. "Now let's get you to the castle. I'm pretty sure Elizabeth and Melia are getting ready right about now."

Ban started to walk away, Meliodas followed behind him. What Meliodas was afraid of was that if the others would take him back.

"Hey Meliodas." Ban made Meliodas look up at him, "yeah?" 

"Why couldn't we reach you with Sins' Link?" 

"I locked myself out." 


I wonder what the curse is ? 


anyway, I'm sorry for the late chapter, I was editing my old book :P

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