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The deafening, painful ringing of bells.

The gentle wind, slowly blowing away the past.

The dreadfully peaceful sight of the endlessly tall grey walls in the distance.

The sight of the burials, the vision of all those who used to be alive.


And now they're dead.

Nothing but lumps of rotting, cold, motionless flesh.

It's horrifying, but they're all used to seeing these things now.

The gravestones.

The mourning.

The horror.

The agony of silence, ringing through the survivors' ears.

But they are not survivors.

They are warriors.

They have been scarred, inside and out, and yet, they hold on.

But in the end, they're only human, and humans have their limits.

They have a breaking point to everything... matter how uncaring they seem.

* * *

"Cheer up, Corporal, there's no expeditions for the next three months!"

"I don't care."

"The burials today weren't all that bad. It's cold, so they didn't smell as much."

"I don't care."

"Eh? Where're you going, Corporal?"

"I don't--"

"You don't care about where you're going?"

"No," Levi replies, walking to the cafeteria exit.

"I don't know where I'm going."

"What was that? Hey, where're you going?"

A break.

That's all I need. I need a break from the stupid trainees.

Because what the hell do they know?

The Corporal walks into the chilly grass plains, wrapping himself tightly in his cape and ignoring the shudders and coughs his body lets out, warning him to go back to the warmth of his room.

I'm so lost.

Looking up, a lonely wooden bench sits in front of him, damp from moisture.

A small smile etches into his face as he pictures a vague- but happy- memory.

* * *

"One week before the expedition," she smiles. "I'm ready."

"You almost sound excited."

"Well, of course! I want to save the world!"

"God, you're so big-headed, it's fucking annoying."

"I am not!" She cries in protest, moving closer. "What's so arrogant about wanting to protect everybody?"

"It's the fact that you think it's possible for you to do it that annoys the hell out of me."

"Well, then...

...why don't we save the world together?"

"Are you serious?"

"You sound so sarcastic! Of course we will! We'll go on that expedition, kill some titans, come back together and celebrate!"

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