Chapter 1 - When Hell is speeding...

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Dedication to Selieno for writing an awesome book and thus giving me a reason to write my own.

Read his book:  

Oshinada: Tales of The Rikuian

Κατάρες, πάνω σας!"


The entire household jumped at turned to see who had shouted. General Magnesius was rubbing his head and leaning against a doorway. They all groaned and and turned back to their duties. This seemed like another bad day for the general, and they all knew what that meant.

"Α ΠΟΞ ΣΕ ΟΛΕΣ τις πόρτες! Ποιος σχεδίασε αυτά τα πράγματαηλίθιος!"(A POX ON ALL DOORWAYS! WHO DESIGNED THESE IDIOT THINGS!)

The head servant sighed and, after receiving a few pats on the back from his friends, went over to the General and suggested, "Ίσως ήταν εσύ κύριε;Ίσως ήταν εσύ κύριε;(Perhaps it was you sir)?"

The general whirled around and marched over to the head servant. "Πώς τολμάς να μου δείχνουν ότι-OW!” (How dare you suggest to me that-OW!) In marching over to the servant so he had hit his head on the doorway again. He danced around clasping his head and cursing. The servant ducked his head and walked into the kitchen that the general was trying to enter.

“Ελάτε τώρα κύριε, πάπια και enter.”(Come now sir, duck and enter.)

“Δεν αρνούμαι να διαλέξεις από έναν υπάλληλο σαν μαθητής!” (No I refuse to be lectured by a servant like a schoolboy!)

The Head servant sighed and tried to physically force the general to duck and move through doorway, causing the general to stubbornly stand rigid and not budge. The harder the servant pushed the more the general resisted, until the head servant finally released all pressure. The general fell back and hit his head on a table on the way down.

“Γαμήσου τραπέζι! Γιατί υπάρχουν? Υπηρέτης! Κάψτε το τραπέζι αμέσως!” (Curse you, table! Why do you exist? Servant! Burn that table immediately!)

The furniture servant hesitated, “Είσαι σίγουρος κύριε; Ο πίνακας ήταν ένα δώρο για τη σύζυγό σας.Ήταν που εισάγονται από τις αποικίες στη Μακεδονία. Μπορεί να μηντο εκτιμούσα αν το καταστρέψει.” (Are you sure sir? The table was a gift for your wife. It was imported from the colonies in Macedonia. She might not appreciate it if you destroy it.)

“Κατάρες για τη Μακεδονία! Κατάρες για το τραπέζι! Κατάρες για σας!Κάψτε το καταραμένο τραπέζι!” (Curse Macedonia! Curse the table! Curse you! Burn the Gods-forsaken table!)

The servant carried the table away and hid it. he knew the general would regret his order eventually and wanted to have the table ready for him when he was himself again.

While the general gave his tirade, the cook was sneaking over with a wooden stirring stick. Just as the general finished the stick came whistling through the air and connected soundly with the general’s head. His eyes half-closed and the head servant caught him as he tipped over.

“Σας ευχαριστούμε για τη φροντίδα του ότι, αυτή η κατάρα της του είναι να πάρει ενοχλητικό. Ειδικά δεδομένου ότι έχουμε να φροντίζετε κάθε πρωί.” (Thank you for taking care of that, this curse of his is getting irritating . Especially since we have to take care of it every morning.)

“Κανένα πρόβλημα. Απλά να υπήρχε ένας τρόπος για να ασχοληθούν με αυτό χωρίς να τον χτυπούν τόσο σκληρά. Αυτός πρόκειται ναυποστούν μόνιμη βλάβη εάν αυτό θα κρατά.”(No problem. Just wish there was a way to take care of it without hitting him so hard. He's going to be permanently damaged if this keeps going. )

“Θα τον πάρει στο κρεβάτι του. Η σύζυγός του μπορεί να αναλάβουν τη φροντίδα του σήμερα το πρωί. Είναι η σειρά της να φροντίσουν γι 'αυτόν.”(I will take him to his bed. His wife can take care of him this morning. It's her turn to care for him.)




The bells tolled an alert. A messenger ran into the house.

“Υπάρχει μια αμμοθύελλα στο νότο. Υπήρξαν σκιές εντοπίστηκε στη μέση του! Μια αιγυπτιακή επίθεση ο φόβος! Η γενική ζητείται αμέσως!” (There is a sandstorm to the south. There have been shadows spotted in the middle of it! An Egyptian attack is feared! The general is requested immediately!)

“Γιατί η γενική χρειάζεται τώρα όλων των εποχών; Φοβάμαι ότι είναι προς το παρόν αδιάθετο-” (Why is the general needed now of all times? I'm afraid he is currently indisposed-)

“Ποιος είναι αδιάθετη?” (Who’s Indisposed?”

The general, full and fit, walked down the stairs. He was fully dressed for war and had a sword on his belt. He nodded at the cook and the head servant.

“Σας ευχαριστούμε για τη φροντίδα του εαυτού μου σήμερα το πρωί.” (Thank you for taking care of me this morning. )

They bowed and exited the room. The general turned to the messenger.

“Τώρα, ας προετοιμαστεί μερικές εκπλήξεις για τους φίλους μαςαιγυπτιακό.” (Now, let’s prepare some surprises for our Egyptian friends.

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