Chapter 28:The Night where Everything Began

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Barry's P.O.V.

Bailey recovered quickly thanks to our accelerated healing and surprisingly when his hair turn white it's like he gained Caitlin's healing, but the match with Reverse Flash and Speed Demon made him quit the field for awhile and decided to refine his moves in the Speed Lab. We already thought about how to deal with Speed Demon since he's gathering the entire Reverse-Flash Dynasty to destroy us the only thing to combat them is to gather the Flash Dynasty. "With the entire Flash with us we could counter every move Speed Demon will make." i said while the 4 of us are talking. "Wait..If Speed Demon is gathering Reverse-Flashes from each Time or Earth would it be best that we only take the Flash of each Reverse?" Cisco said, but the rest of us didn't understood a thing he said. "Say, Thawne and Speed Demon they are the Reverses of Barry and Bailey if Speed Demon took another Reverse we need to take the Flash of that Reverse." we finally understood it sorta, but Cisco had a point. "If you need knowledge of every Flash i suggest you ask Jay." Bailey said. "He's right, if there is anyone who knows Speedsters it's Jay." Caitlin added. but an alarm beeped and it was Thawne! "Come on out Barry Allen!" he shouted. "Dad, Go i'll go talk to Jay" i nodded and flashed out to greet him. "The Great Flash. You know on my time no one knew you're secret identity, i wanted to know your name!! now that i know what it is Barry Allen how about i kill your Mother that's the reason i went back in time right? to cease you from existing. he threatened. "Not while i'm existing." i said back.

Our Battle raged across Central City until we both became so fast that Thawne opened a wormhole and i followed him while inside i realized that Thawne was Time Travelling to that night...the night my Mother died.. when we finally arrived i followed Thawne into my House and we fought around my Mother. When i punched Thawne away i saw my past self, from when i first Time Traveled and since i wasn't ready to face the  consequences of Flashpoint at the time i warned my Past self to not interfere and i Flashed away my Younger self 20 blocks away to keep him safe from The Reverse Flash. I remember what happened and for the sake of the timeline being kept intact i Time Traveled back to the Future (See the video and image above). When i return im glad everything is still the same sign there's no Time Wraiths after me nor the Enforcer. I went back in S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco, Caitlin and Bailey who was holding his broken suit. "How did it go??" Caitlin asked me. "The Night my Mother died i was the one who saved my past self from The Reverse Flash." Cisco realized what happened i can tell by how he holds his hair. "So it's like your origin story because you saved your younger self and allowing Thawne to kill your Mother it started the timeline to where we are right now hoho it's like Predestination" (Trust me good movie must watch)

"Mom specially weaved this costume after i stole it from the original Godspeed, she crafted this with all her Heart to give me the symbol of Hope Central City knows and i stylized as "The Silver Speedster" And seeing it torn feels like The Reverse Flash took her away from me again." Caitlin hugged him because the very though of what Bailey said hurted her as a Mother her eyes reminded me of the eyes my Mom whenever she found out i got hurt again. "Don't worry Bailey i'm almost done with the suit Future me was about to make and once im done you'll be back as Godspeed once again." Cisco tried to comfort him. "Right now we need Jay's help and other Flashes of different Earths to fight alongside with us." i said to them all. "Let's go." Bailey volunteered and Cisco took his Glasses and opened a Breach on Earth-3 and Bailey and i Flashed in.. when we arrive Jay was fighting a Speedster and by the look of the Red Lightning trail we can tell it's either Speed Demon or maybe his own Reverse Flash but something we know for sure. If he can compete with Jay he's good, so we Flashed to help Jay out we sided with Jay while Running. "Flash?? Godspeed??" he said to us "Don't worry we're here to help." Bailey said. We split up with Dad taking left and me on the right and Jay on its tail and when we we're about to intersect with someone that look like Jay only with a Dark clothes he disappeared into thin air, luckily we manage to press the brakes before we crash.

"Where did he go??" I asked. "You tell me and you didn't just come to my Earth to help me with my Rival." once again the elderly Speedster figured it out. "Speed Demon, Bailey's Reverse Flash is gathering the Reverse-Flash Dynasty he took Eobard Thawne at some point in time to help him and we need your help to find the other Flashes for this War." I explained. "I told you before Flash, if you need my help for this War im in." as he smiled and we returned to Earth One. "Hi Jay" Caitlin said and hugged the elderly Speedster i think it made her remember my Father since he didn't live lone enough to see his son engaged. "If we're going to fight this war and win it we need to gather the Flash of the Reverse-Flash, Speed Demon is taking speaking of my Rival so you need me to fight him, only the two Speedsters who opposite one another may defeat them. "So the first Speedster we'll recruit is the Speedster of the Flashpoint timeline, Namely Wally West."

"And What is a Flash without a Kid Flash?" 

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