11. Forgiveness

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"Ummm.... I don't know what to say, dad."

"I understand. Take your time."

I started to leave when i remembered the soul purpose of my visit.

"Oh. I was sent. Umm... Rose has... is getting... You have been asked to come home next weekend on Saturday for Rose's traditional engagement...as her father."

His face lit up like a bulb. "That is such good news! I will not miss that. I promise!"

"Okay." The word promise had lost its meaning when it came to him. So i just shrugged. I had passed the message. I had done my part.

"Chris. Thank you for everything. I should be discharged tomorrow. I think."

"That's great news dad. I'll check if they have summarized your case."

"That would be lovely. I'm proud of you son."

You are!?

I just smiled and left for the canteen. A mixture of emotions boiling up inside me.

He wants to be forgiven for what exactly. For leaving my mom? For giving me false promises all through my university life? For having abandoned Rose entirely?

When a pressure cooker reaches its boiling point, it releases pressure.

Just as i got to the canteen, i saw Kevin Anon walking out of it with a lady in arm. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ear that made her blush pink.

Pressure cooker theory works for people too.

"Hey Kevin!" I called him.

He looked up to meet my fist. Which hit him so perfectly he nosebled.

"You deserved that. You son of a..."

"Chris! What have you done!?" Diana had seen me. "Leave him alone!" She pulled me into the canteen.

"Was that really necessary, Chris?"

"Im sorry, D. I couldn't help it."

"Your hand is seriously bruised!"

"The damage is worse on his face." I smirked. "He deserved it D. Why don't you agree with me? How are you able to just let him be?"

She sighed. "Here. I got you a sandwich! Eat up! We need to get out of here before its starts raining again."

I took the sandwich from her. "You are not going to change the topic so fast. Tell me!"

"Are you forgetting how slow you eat? If you don't start eating now, by the time you finish your goatee would have gotten grey!" She teased.

I took a bite. The biggest i could. "Now tell me."

"Forgiveness." She uttered after a long sigh.

"The Bible says in Matthew 6, 14 to 15: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

I was very impressed. "Touche."

"I forgave him and I'm letting it go. It's the thing to do as a bigger person."

"It's not easy though, to forgive someone, is it? Especially if they have messed up an important part of your life."

"Ummm....i have a feeling we are not talking about Kevin anymore, are we?"

"This sandwich is really good. I should get another one." I stood up to get another sandwich. I didn't feel like talking about my father. At least not yet.

"Chris, what did your father say?"

"I wonder if they put mustard in this thing." I tried to change the topic as i opened the sandwich to look for mustard.

"You are not going to change the subject." She smiled.

"Oh look! No mustard. Just mayo! Yum! I hate mustard you know. Its so.... tangy!"

"Chris, what did your father tell you? " she insisted.

"Fine. I'll tell you."  I gave her an annoyingly long pause. Which she handled patiently. "My dad asked me to forgive him. For everything."

Her eye brows lifted almost upto her hairline. "That is wonderful! Chris! That's amazing! Oh my God. I feel like doing a happy dance!"

I was surprised at her reaction. "Why are you so happy?"

"Why aren't you!? Your dad has owned up to his mistakes. He is looking for a clean slate with you. This should be the beginning of a newly formed father-son relationship. The end of "daddy issues" if you know what i mean." She quoted wth her fingers and tried to wink at me.

"Is that how you wink? It looks like a bug just flew onto your cornea."

She laughed. "You are so mean. Anyway; think about it; pray about it. I think you should give him another chance. He is just human after all. Forgive him Chris. And God shall forgive you."

"Yeah, I'll think about it."

That evening, back at my place, i kept replaying the day's events in my head. My best part was in church when Diana and i were kneeling before God. I replayed that one like a million times before deciding to try talking to God again. This time less distracted.

So i knelt beside my bed and closed my eyes.

"Dear God. Today has been an interesting day. I have been inspired by my friend to be closer to You. I know i sin now and then oh Father i ask you to forgive me. Forgive me for the sins i commit knowingly and unknowingly. Forgive me for hitting Kevin. Anger took over me. Forgive him for wronging Diana. Forgive.... me for not being able to forgive my dad as fast as i should.....forgive......my dad.....for causing us a lot of hurt, a lot of betrayal, for all the false hopes and the lies. This feels difficult oh God. But i know with you its possible. Help me get over all this anger. Help me be a better Christian and let your will be done on my life.....Amen."

The power of prayer.

Prayer miraculously makes a person feel better about everything.

I felt so good after that i started calling people to say hi. So i called Priya.

"Hellow Priya! How is the going. It's been a happy day isn't it?"

"Whoa whoa...calm down boss. What are you high on?" She laughed.

"Nothing. Im just feeling good."

"You told Diana you have feelings for her didn't you?"

"What!? No!? No i didn't."

"What are you waiting for!? Someone will come along and pick her up then you will sulk for life."

I hadn't thought of that. My moods suddenly nose dived. Someone else could show up. Just because Kevin case was closed didn't mean another one would not open.

"Priya, what do i do?" I panicked.

"You want advice from me? It will cost you mister!"

"What do you want in return?"

"Hmmmm.....A selfie of the two of you after you tell her."

"What if she gets mad?"

"You are best friends Chris. She won't get mad. Besides, my plan, guaranteed yes!"

"Oh, you got an idea from one of your Bollywood films?"

"Doesn't matter where the idea is from you! Do you want to hear it or not?"

"Okay. Let's hear it."



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