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Britt sighed to herself as she started doing paperwork. She looked over to Iain, iain was her best friend. They had been since college. She looked and watched as he stood fliriting with Rita, Rita was Iain's girlfriend and Britt never saw him anymore, he knew that he was no longer important to her. Not like Rita was, it pained her. She felt as if she wasn't good enough, not good enough to be his friend.  Iain looked up at Britt, they held eye contact for a moment before Britt walked off. She stood outside of the ED and lit a cigarette and took a few puffs of it. Iain followed her out "thought you would know better than that being a nurse" Iain said and Britt glared at him "so...my body you can't control me" Britt said and Iain smirked at her "no one can ever control you Britt Roberts and you know it" Iain said. Britt smiled at Iain, she looked to see he had his arms crossed across his chest. Britt smiled and placed a hand on top of his "don't know how I've but up with you for so long" Britt said and Iain smiled "because you love me" he said and she smirked. She did love him, she just wasn't aware how she loved him.

Britt and Iain walked back Into the ED. He looked at Rita and smiled at her, Britt rolled her eyes and went to walk away when Iain grabbed her arm "wait"he said as Britt looked at him. "What?" He said. Britt looked at him "shouldn't you be with your girlfriend" Britt snapped. Iain frowned at her, he tightened his grip not wanting to let her go. Britt didn't know what it was but having him touch his skin. "Go to your girlfriend Iain" "no, your my best friend and I miss you" "ive been hear the whole time, your the one who's been to busy with his girlfriend to notice" Britt said "your jealous" "of her, no chance" Britt said glancing to Rita and walking off.

After work Britt, sat in the pub. She had a long day and Iain and rita were really getting to her. She sat with her drunk in front of her when Iain walked In. He looked at her and she sighed. She drank the rest of the drink. Britt stood up and walked out of the pub past Iain, she couldn't be near him right now. She had to get away from him. "Britt?" Iain called and she turned around to face him "what" "your avoiding me" Iain said "no, I just don't want to be around you right now" Britt said "I know it. You are jealous because I'm spending all of my time with Rita" "why would i , your an arrogant arsehole Iain and Rita freeman is welcome to you, you fucked up your friends for her, I hope she makes you happy but when she screws you up don't come running to me" Britt said. Iain walked over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her up against the wall. Britt looked at him as he leant in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled him closer to her. She didn't even care what she was doing as it felt so right "yours?" Iain asked and Britt nodded.

Iain and Britt got into a taxi and headed back to Britt's, she dumped her bag and coat on the sofa and kicked off her shoes. Iain smirked at her as he grabbed her hips and lead her backwards towards the bedroom. They stripped and Britt lay on the bed, he ran his hands down her body before he pushed into her. Britt moaned as she dug her nails into his back as he bite her neck as he moved on and out of her, causing Britt to moan loudly. After they both climaxed Iain rolled over to the other side of the bed a d Britt curled into his chest. He wrapped his hand around her "that was not planned" Britt said "definitely not" Iain said as he kiised her forehead. They had officially slept together and it wouldn't be the last time.

In love with my best friend (Casualty)Where stories live. Discover now