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Iain looked at Britt as she stood getting dressed. "You sure you're ready to go out?" He asked.

Britt nodded and smiled. "I have to get over this somehow. And I'll be with Leigh. I'll be fine. She won't drink too much anyway."

Iain sighed and nodded. He was worried about Britt going out. But he knew he couldn't mollycoddle her. He looked at her. "Be careful. And if you need anything, then text me," he said.

"I will."

Iain kissed her heatedly. "This dress you're wearing is sexy. I can't wait to take it off you later."

Britt smirked and winked. "Maybe."

Britt arrived at Leigh's. Sam let her in. Poppy was screaming. "Hey. Leigh is upstairs. Go on up to her," he said.

Britt grinned. She took Poppy from Sam and went upstairs with her. Leigh was sitting on the bed. "Hey. I can't find my black dress. So I don't know what to wear," she said as she looked at her.

"Babes. You could wear your birthday suit and would still look irresistible," Britt said.

Leigh grinned. "I don't think my ex would appreciate you saying stuff like that. Especially when he's babysitting our daughter."

All too soon, the girls left. Britt was anxious for a night out. But she knew that she had to somehow deal with what had happened. Leigh looked at her. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. This is hard for me. But I have to do it. I have to somehow get over what happened. I have to move on. I have a daughter who needs me now," Britt said as she took her drink.

Leigh nodded. "You can do it. I know you can. You're brave and you're a hero. You can do it," she said.

"I hope so. How are things with you and Sam?"

Leigh shrugged. "He cheated on me. I can't forgive that. But for Poppy, I make that effort. He's staying over tonight as he's babysitting so I'm staying on the sofa. Away from him," she said.

Britt rolled her eyes and laughed. "But you're crazy to think that you won't end up in his bed again."

"It's technically my bed. But I get your suggestions," she told her.

As the night went on, Britt found herself getting drunk. Leigh looked at her. "Come on babes. Come back to mine and I'll get you a taxi back in the morning."

"I want to have sex. With Iain," Britt mumbled.

Leigh laughed. "Tomorrow babes. You're too drunk now. You can sleep in my bed. I'll have the asshole with me. Come on."

Leigh helped Britt into the taxi. Britt was feeling nauseous. Her whole body felt numb. She looked at Leigh. "Iain won't ask me to marry him. I want him to ask me. But he won't," Britt mumbled.

Leigh grinned and nodded. She knew that Britt was talking drunken nonsense. She helped her best friend into her house and held her back as she threw up. But in that moment, Britt had no idea that her life with Iain was going to take a change for the bad.

In love with my best friend (Casualty)Where stories live. Discover now