Chapter 1

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A/N: media is Vex
"Osiris! Osiris hurry! you're going to be late for the train! Hurry! Hurry!" My mother shouted at me waving her hands as I put my last book into my trunk.

"Ma' I am hurrying," I said while frantically closing my trunk "Vex, get in your cage please." I whispered to my small kitten.

I'd gotten her from Diagon Ally only last week, the pet store had gotten a new litter of cats, and Vex was sitting in the middle of them all, not making a sound as the others climbed over each other trying to get young witches and wizards attention.

She slowly padded into the cage and I closed the door, "Ma'! Please help me with the trunk!" hefting up my trunk onto one of my knees.

She frantically came running back into my room "Just wait, Osiris your gonna break your back please just stop."  she came over and took one side of the trunk "Ready? Alright one, two, three lift!"

We gradually made our way down the stairs and out the door to the back of the car. Running back into the house I grabbed Vex's cage and my messenger bag. Just as I was about to run out of the house I remembered one more thing.

So I dashed back up the stairs and up to my room, ran to my bedside table grabbed the leather bound book from it, my wand and then sprinted out of the house. I then jumped into the car placing Vex on the floor and my messenger bag on my lap where I placed my wand and book.

Smirking I looked up at Ma' "Off to Kings Cross we go," I then laughed, the adrenalin coursing through my blood making me giddy "Let's not do that again next year, 'eh Ma"

It didn't take long until I was looking at the wall between platforms nine and ten. My mind went back to when the strange man took me to Diagon Ally to get my books and other things. He had long greasy hair and a funny shaped nose, he also gave instructions on how to get to the hogwarts express.

"Now child," he had said with a sneer on his face "when you get to kings cross approach the wall between the platforms of nine and ten." The man had now put his hands behind his back "Now what you do then is run straight at it. You'll be transported to platform 9 3/4 where you will board your train and go to school"

See my parents are what that man had called muggles, or non-magic people. So this was all new to us, taking a deep breath in I start walking towards the wall, just as my trolley was going to pass through it i turned back and waved towards Ma'. "See you at the end of the year," I shouted at her smirk prominent on my features "Here I come Hogwarts!" 

Passing through the barrier, a cherry red steam engine sat in front of me, puffing away. I pushed my trolley forward, excusing myself every few steps to try and get past the people on the platform. Finally close enough to the train I pick up my trunk and put it in the small storage compartment under the train. Abandoning my trolley, I grab my messenger bag and cat cage. I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder and again walk towards the steam engine in front of me.

Getting on was easy enough, but now I found a new struggle, trying to find a compartment.  Most of them were full and others said that they were waiting on someone who was in the toilet. Sighing I looked around, if the middles full then maybe I should go to the back, picking up Vex's cage I walked along the carriage until I reached the next one then opening the door I walked through and continued walking down. It didn't take too long until I reached an empty compartment, which I quickly walked into. Taking Vex out of her cage I placed it into the racks above the seat and her onto my shoulders.

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