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Well like every other competition we have rules. Don't worry you guys don't have to follow the admin account or check out any of my books but if you'd like you can check it out ThisRandomProfile (hehehe self promotion)

The Rules are as follows:

1) I will not be doing every genre, I do have my reasons for this so I would appreciate if you did not pester me about it.

2) No books with above 25k reads will be accepted. However if your book exceeds this number of reads after you've been accepted, you will still be in the running.

3) You are allowed to enter a maximum of 3 books in the Awards BUT they have to be in different categories.

4) Play nice. Don't be nasty to your fellow entrants, judges and me. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate termination.

5) Please read the chapters on how judging works and important dates.

6) Password is your favorite movie

7) Fill out the form in as one inline comment next to the genre of your book.

8) You can enter and judge but you cannot judge the genre you have entered.

9) Remember this is a competition if you don't win that doesn't mean you're a terrible writer, we all have flaws so let's use this experience to better our writing.

10) Please do follow the judges of your genre. They put a lot of work into judging your book so let's reward them. :)

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