Chapter Eight

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I woke up the next morning and, thank god, for the first time in a week I wasn’t sore. My arms and legs actually felt great, better than they had in years. When I reached over onto my beside table to grab my glasses, I couldn’t find them. My luck.

“Dammit,” groaned, reaching my arm down under the bed to feel around for my glasses. My vision seemed to be extra-blurry which had me curious. This meant I needed another trip the optometrist. I was already wearing lenses that were prescribed stronger, what more could I need? Some sort of observatory-strength glasses resting on my face? I leaned farther over the bed to get a look for myself when suddenly my glasses fell off of my face. Everything became… clear? My heart began pounding in my chest so loud, I could hear it.

“Whoa,” I whispered, touching my glasses-less face, realizing that I could actually see! Everything was so clear, it was like looking around in HD glasses but, you know, without the glasses. I was so wrapped up in the fact that I was able to use glasses for the first time in nearly fifteen years that I didn’t take the time to realize how strange it was.

Finally, when I did realize, I stood to my feet. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I felt like a car that just got realigned. Even my nose seemed to be clear, allowing me to breathe without any problems for the first time in years. My eyes closed as I took in a huge whiff of hair through my nose. Wow, I really needed to stray away from the generic brand deodorant.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on,” I muttered to myself as I walked into the bathroom. My hair fell over my face. I stood in front of the mirror and brushed my hair back. Every inch of my body froze. Who am I looking at? I thought, touching the mirror. That’s supposed to be me; what kind of a mirror is this? After spending nearly ten minutes staring back at the person, I came to the realization that I was indeed looking at myself. A completely transformed version of myself, though.

My hair—the hair that always seemed to be frizzy even when it wasn’t humid or gross outside—fell down my back in perfect dark waves. There was a certain tan glow to my skin that I had never seen before. Not only was my face tan, but my whole body was.

My body!

I ran back to my room and stood in front of the full body mirror that was behind my bedroom door. “Holy shit,” I gasped, running my hands down my sides, “I-I have curves!” For the first time ever, when I turned to the side, I actually had curves that made me stick out and look normal! I didn’t look like a stick! My eyes fixed on my V-neck and the fact that I had gained boobs to actually make it work.

The Ileana Stoica that I stared at in the mirror was unrecognizable. I’d never seen her before, nor did I think it was possible for her to exist. This girl is gorgeous, the type of girl to be featured on a sports magazine or at least have tons of guys chasing after her. Where did the Ileana Stoica that I was so used to go? If I was correct, I had gone to sleep that girl and woke up, well, this girl! It was like some sort of weird fairytale. Thank you, curves fairy, wherever you may be…

I grabbed an outfit for the day and headed over to the bathroom. In all honesty, I really did want something that I could show my new body off in. Something cool… something eye-catching… something… that I didn’t own. Everything in my closet was conservative and modest. The most “flashy” thing I owned was a V-neck that cut down a little farther than I thought it would. Even my shorts were, well, boring. The lowest pair I owned ended right above my knee. And those were my running shorts.

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