Chapter 17

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"You know that project I've been working on?"


"Now you get to see it sweetheart."

Carrie thought back to when they were in his garage. When he had something covered up and hidden from her.

Harrison stepped in front of her, gesturing for her to jump on his back. "Come on."

"You're hurt."

"You hardly weigh anything."

That statement was true. He could lift more with one arm than what she weighed. Carrie got on his back as he put his hands under her knees and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The piggy back ride lasted until they got to his other garage. Harrison set her down before unlocking it. She got excited when he led the way and eventually removed the tarp to reveal their initials 'h & c' followed underneath by 'est.' But there wasn't a date carved in yet.

"This is what you were working on!?" Carrie asked in awe.

He nodded. "It's amazing!"

"Now we just have to figure out a date."

She hugged him. "Thank you Harry!"

Carrie examined his work more. It was made beautifully and the light brown wood was even stained. She covered her mouth with her hand. "I can't believe you made this."

Harrison wrapped his arms around her waist. "You better get used to it. I plan on making you a lot of stuff," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.


Later that night, Harrison took her to dinner. He sat downstairs playing with Billie as she got ready. When Carrie did come down the stairs, he was in awe at how beautiful she looked. She wore a dark blue dress and her hair was braided up around her head in a crown.


"Whoa yourself," she said back, placing both hands on his chest. Harrison cleaned up very well. He was freshly shaven with his hair parted to its normal side. And he wore a white jacket with black pants.

He kissed her quickly as Billie now hugged her mother's leg. "Mommy I want to come."

Carrie knelt down. "Sorry sweetie. Harrison and I are going to dinner."

"But mommy!"

"I'll tell you what. When we get back we'll let you stay up past your bed time."

"That's good."

"Grandma's bringing a movie for you guys. And when Harrison and I get home we'll do something with you."

"Okay mommy. Have fun."

"We will B."

Harrison helped her back to her feet, placing a hand on her lower back to steady her. "Ready?"

She nodded. "We can leave as soon as my mom gets here."

Soon the two of them were shown to their table. "This place is fancy."

"I know sweetheart, that's why I chose it."

The restaurant had very good food, so she'd heard. He pulled her chair out for her then sat across. "How's your knee feeling?" She asked.

"Good," he answered. The brace was barely noticeable under his pants which was a good sign. Carrie was able to get him a new brace. One that was smaller and lighter.

Looking at the menu, Carrie noticed his eyes locked in stare at her. "What?"

Harrison smiled, looking back at his own menu. "What Harrison?" The smile led to a giggle.

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