Chapter 19

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"Would you cut it out please?"

He followed her. "No I'm not!"

She swiped her card. "We just had this conversation five minutes ago!"

Carrie opened the door to her office, not caring to hold it for him. "Carrie!"

Harrison followed her to her office. "You have to understand where I'm coming from here. He looks you and touches you where he shouldn't be. Now tell me you wouldn't be jealous if some girl was all over me like that."

She didn't say anything at first. During the moment, Harrison was waiting for her to think of something that would blow this up in his face. Surprisingly she didn't.

"You see what I mean?"

Carrie took a deep breath. "Yeah I guess."

His hands massaged her shoulders as she started up her laptop. "Harry that feels good."

Harrison continued to massage her, even after she turned to face him. For a minute Carrie simply stood there, letting him massage the muscles in her shoulders. As he massaged her, he slowly pushed against her until her back pressed up against her desk.

He kissed her passionately. As he did so, her hands wrapped around his neck, playing with some of his hair that peeked out from under his hat. Harrison picked her up, setting her on her desk gently. He deepened the kiss. That man could sure kiss. Harrison tilted her head back, pressing another gentle kiss to her lips.

The two were interrupted when there was a knock on her office door. She slid off her desktop and went to open her door. As soon as she opened it, Carrie heard a groan from Harrison when the person revealed by the door was her intern.


"Good morning Carrie. And hello Harrison."

Harrison looked up from his phone just long enough to acknowledge him. When Carrie went to give Jason the rundown of what would be happening today, Harrison scooted across the room on her chair and paid close attention to him.

Carrie dug through a few folders, finally finding the documents she was looked for. "This is Harrison's file. Today I want you to keep track of his knee flexibility in degrees of every angle we test. Make sense?"

He nodded. "Yes."

After explaining a few more things to Jason, Carrie leaned down to open one of the lower drawers in her desk. She set two folders on the desk before standing back up. When Carrie went to stand up, Jason did something that almost made Harrison lose his cool. Carrie dropped a folder on her way up, forcing her to bend back down to pick it up. Jason knelt next to her to help her clean up the papers. After the papers had been cleaned up, Jason put his arms around her waist and helped her to her feet.

Somehow he managed to stay calm for her, although it drove him crazy to see this. That moment was when Harrison realized that Jason really had a thing for her, and it wasn't him imagining things. Carrie must've realized it to, for she took a step away from him.

He rolled his eyes and glared at Jason as they followed Carrie into a new room that he'd never been in before. And there was the machine they would use with his knee. She gave Jason a few directions before getting Harrison started.

He was instructed to turn his knee at different angles until it hurt just a bit, or he felt discomfort. Carrie and Jason would then measure the degrees his knee turned. This information would help her to pick out the proper brace for him to wear in a game with the right amount of flexibility.

"Five to the left," she told Jason, who wrote the numbers down on his chart. "Now try going to the right Harry."

Once all the tests were completed, Carrie snuck into her office for a few minutes, leaving the guys alone in the other room. Mostly it was Jason trying to make conversation with him, and asking him about football and a bunch of other things he didn't care to talk about.

She came back a few minutes later. "I ordered the brace. It should be here in a few days. Then we'll get you running," she told him.

"Thanks Carrie."

As Jason went with one of her assistants to care for another patient, Carrie asked him if he could do some running around for her.

"Yeah I can."


"Here's a list so you don't forget," she said with a smile, handing him a sticky note of items scribbled down. "And on your way to the store, can you drop off Billie?"


"Thanks Harry," she told him, kissing him gently before handing him her car keys. "I'll see you in a little bit."


An hour later, Billie was sitting in her mommy's office with her mother and Jason. And Billie, who'd overheard her parents talking about the issue with Jason, kept an eye on him for her daddy.

Carrie and Jason were sitting at her desk, looking over an MRI of another patient. "It looks like the mcl," he said.

"No, it can't be the mcl. The mcl is on the outside," she corrected, making a circle on the x-ray towards the outside of the patients knee. "I think it's the acl, but it also could be a sprain."

She flipped to another screen, bringing up a x-ray that was a closer image of the knee. "Ah, there it is. Acl for sure. See it?" Carrie asked.

Jason nodded as Carrie circled the acl in red on the x-ray. "Mild acl tear."

"What will we do with this one?"

"Well, it's mild, so we operate if the patient is in severe pain, or if it gets worse."

"I see."

The next few minutes Carrie spent writing up a diagnosis. Little Billie sat in a chair across the office, playing with a few toys on her mother's other desk. The whole time, she'd been noticing Jason looking at her mommy for a long time.

As he passed by to go grab something from her exam room, she stopped him. "Jason!" She said, making an angry face.

"Yeah Billie?"

She took a deep breath. "You stop looking at my mommy like that or else my daddy will kick your butt."

Double update today because why not?

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