Chapter 28

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Carrie rolled over, expecting to lean against Harrison's chest, but instead got a face full of Rawlings' fur. Rawlings then licked her as she wondered where Harrison was. He wasn't in the bathroom. That meant he must be downstairs.

"Where's your daddy?" She asked Rawlings.

Normally when Carrie asked him this, he would lead her right to Harrison. But this time, he simply laid his head back down. "What's wrong Rawley? Come on, let's go find your daddy."

Carrie made her way downstairs with Rawlings on her heels. Harrison wasn't in the living room, or the kitchen where she'd expected him to be. She then checked the basement, thinking maybe he was doing an early workout. No Harrison.

Now back in the kitchen, she realized his keys were gone. Maybe he was in the garage. Carrie took a walk with Rawlings into the garage, and to the other garage where there was no sign of him.

Rawlings ran over to his truck that was parked very sloppily in the driveway. That wasn't like him at all. "What Rawley?"

He sniffed the back door of Harrison's truck before growling quietly at the door. "What do you have to show me Rawley?"

As she neared the door of his truck, she heard the sound of voices. His husky voice, and another familiar voice. The voice of the woman she'd told off in the park the other day.

"What about her?"

The was a pause before Carrie heard the sound of kissing and his response. "Don't worry about her," he answered. "She will be gone soon."

Carrie dropped to her knees, with tears already falling uncontrollably down her cheeks. Rawlings attempted to comfort her, but was left behind as she ran into the house and down into the basement.

He lied to her. Harrison actually lied to her. She'd been betrayed by yet another guy. He'd played it off like it was just an accident, but apparently it was something more. Not just that, but she was pregnant with his kid. What was she going to do about that now?

Behind his workout equipment was a stack of boxes which she happily hauled up two flights of stairs into her room and Billie's room.

Billie immediately turned over, hearing her door slam against the wall, and the sound of her mother dragging large moving boxes into her room.

"Mommy what's happening?"

"Pack all your stuff."

"Why mommy?"

But before Carrie could answer her daughter, she was out the door and into her own room to pack everything. As she yanked clothes out of the closet, she couldn't help but take a moment to think. He lied to her. That was something Carrie simply couldn't believe. He told her how much he loved her then went right back to blindside her.

She finished packing one box and shoved it out into the hallway. On the way back in, she noticed the picture they'd taken after he proposed sitting on the dresser. Out of anger, she threw it across the room. The sound of the shattering frame pleased her.

After cleaning out the upstairs, she cleaned out the living room and the kitchen, taking everything that was hers or Billie's. Her car was parked in the garage, which made it easy to pack the boxes.

Not long after, Billie came downstairs with her boxes of things. "Mommy what are you doing?"

"Take your stuff to the car please."

"I'm scared mommy. You're acting weird."

"B, I'm okay."

She set down her boxes. "No you're not mommy."

Carrie knew her daughter was right. Her bloodshot eyes from crying, her clenched fists, and her overall expression wasn't enough to reassure Billie that her mommy was fine.

"I promise I'll explain it all to you B. But for now, take your things to the car."

As she took one last look through the house, Carrie couldn't help putting a fist through another picture of them. And another.

Once it was determined she packed all of her and Billie's belongings, she met her daughter in the garage. The trunk and backseat were full of boxes. "B, how would you like to ride in the front?"

"Yeah mommy!"

As Billie got in the front seat, Rawlings came running into the garage. Carrie knelt in front of him. "I'll miss you buddy. I really will. Be a good boy for me okay?"

She gave him a hug while opening her car door. It was then when she realized she still had her engagement ring on. That had to be taken care of.

Back inside his kitchen, she found a sticky note and placed her ring beside it. Grabbing a pen off the kitchen table, she wrote him a little note.

I can't believe you Harrison. I can't believe you would throw everything we had away like that for another girl. I guess I just wasn't enough for you. And take the ring back. I don't want that reminder of you. Give it to that slut you cheated on me for. I hope you're happy with what you've got, even if it's hurting me and my daughter to get it. Don't expect to come running back to me. Because it's not going to happen. I gave you a second chance with the PED's and another chance after you cheated on me the first time. But I'm done now. So f**k you Harrison.

Carrie slammed her ring on the sticky note and joined Billie in the car. "Mommy what's wrong?" She asked, seeing her mommy crying again.

"Not right now B."

She opened the garage door and drove right around his truck. On the way by, she threw the garage door remote right off the hood of his truck. As they made their way down the driveway, she could see his head pop up from the backseat.

His backseat door opened and he came running out. "Carrie!"

The last thing she saw in the mirror was him on both knees at the end of the driveway with his hands covering his face.

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