Long Live Us

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I'm back lying on the bed with Jack again, it's late and I had to sneak back in but it's my only chance to be with him alone.

"So...What on earth happened today?" Jack asks, we're lying on our sides almost nose to nose, I can feel his warm breath on my face.

"Honestly I'm not quite sure... I don't think we'll ever really know, I do have a theory though"

"Well it's got to be better than mine"

"Why? What's your idea?"

"That we were part of a mind control test my aliens" I laugh, Jack rubs in his hand over my cheek as I do.

"Yeah, yeah I don't think that's quite what happened"

"What did then clever boy?" he asks smirking.

"Well why you were with your family I did a little... Research and I think she was a demon" Jack laughs.

"A demon, where on earth did you get that idea?"

"Well that's what she said!"

"And you believed her?" Jack laughs.

"Jack you tried to kill both of us with mind control, she definitely ain't human!"  

"Yeah yeah I don't know this whole thing's so weird, do you think we really stopped her?"

"I hope so, I don't want to lose you Jacky"

"Me neither 'Lex, do you think we would have met if it wasn't for all this scary shit that's just happened?" he asks.

"I don't know... The important thing is that we're together, even if it is a bit of weird story".

Jack smiles and I kiss him lightly on the lips.

"I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and this we'll have been something amazing if not slightly scary dream" I say.

"Haha yeah this is the weirdness fucking thing that's ever happened but also the best"

"Jack, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are hmm you my boyfriend now?" I ask, awkwardly.

"Do you want me to be?" I look at the boy smiling at me, I can't help smiling back.


"Guess that makes you my boyfriend then" he kisses me sweetly on the lips, his free hand running through the ends of my hair.

 Having been in a coma for over two months it's still two more weeks before they actually let Jack out of hospital. I make sure I'm there to meet him. I go up to his room, he's sitting on his bed waiting for me. It's the first time I've seen him in actual clothes and those stupid hospital pyjamas, he's wearing black skinny jeans and a Blink t shirt, his hair looks straightened and sticks up in strange places.

"Wow" I say.


"You look amazing"

"You don't look half bad yourself" I look down, I've got a pair of grey skinny jeans on, with a light blue shirt and jacket that I've got to sleeves rolled up.  

"That's because I've got a surprise for you"

"You do?"

"Come on" I grab with hand, he throws his back over his shoulder and we walk towards to elevator.

"So what's changed why I was in your head?" he asks.

"Well The Ravens are winning, Green Day put out a video for Wake Me When September Ends and it's one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever seen"

You're Already The Voice Inside My Head (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now