Dear 61yrd Oliver

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Why are you hiding? Why are you cowering? Are you just going to hide away while your city burns?
Don't it's not you, take a shower, trim your beard, put on clean clothes and get out there and save your city, Oli. Star City is depending on you, you left her to die.
I know that I've been gone and that I never came back but that's probably because something bad happened to me. Now I will make sure that what ever happened doesn't happen, so I can come back. Did you ever think that something happened? No, you didn't because all you care about is yourself, Oliver.
I know what you're feeling right now. I'm feeling it too, the sense of, of helplessness, of hopelessness. I don't know how we even begin to process what might happen to us right now, but there are a few things that I do know. I know that this city has been through tough times before, and we have pulled through. We survived the Undertaking, we survived the Seige, we survived the Outbreak, we survived the Genisis, and somehow, someway, we will survive this. A friend of ours once told you that living in Star City, it takes a special kind of tenacity, but we do live here, because this is our home. This is our home! It is our friend, our family, our lives, and we will not, we will not throw those precious gifts away descending into chaos. We will look to each other for hope. we will cling to each other for strength, and if we do that,no matter what happens, then we can all stand here united.
Yes, I just quoted you to you, but that's only because it's true and it's motivation. So I hope that when I get brought back to 2016 and if I'm still here in 2046 and you find this, or I give it to you, or whatever; however it works; you stop hiding and you protect your city from Grant Wilson.

Your sister
Lucy Queen
From 2016

P.S. I love you Oli
Don't go down
Without fighting

A/N: I wrote this when I watched a DCs Legends of Tomorrow episode. And I was a little mad at Oliver so I wrote this and I quoted him from his own show.

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