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Sleepy kisses
There's just lots of fluff, NO smut.
(It was a long time ago I wrote this, and I wrote it on my phone so there's probably a lot of spelling mistakes... plus that english isn't my first language)
(Dan's POV)

We weren't exactly together as in a couple, but we were the bestest of friends. We were pretty silly; for example we had sleepovers at each other's room whenever we felt for it, even though we were living together.

One night as we slept in Phil's bed our bodies ended up tangling together, and when we woke up we were completely intertwined.

"Danny, you need to get up my arm is dead" Phil said with a soft voice and a small kiss on my forehead.

"No, one more minute please" I begged and burrowed my head deeper in the crook of his neck. He sighed and nodded softly.

"Mkay Dan" he kissed the top of my head again and made himself more comfortable. 
Five minutes later we were still in bed Phil had fallen asleep again. I carefully pressed my lips against any skin of his I could get to and he slowly woke up.

"Daaan it tickles" he sleepily giggled. I just kept leaving small kisses on his neck and face. He opened his eyes fully and pinned me down on the mattress he prepped my face with kisses and I giggled. Then he stopped and just looked at me.

"Whatcha looking at?" I asked after a couple of seconds, but he just shushed me. "Seriously-"

"Schhhh... You're beautiful, let me look at you" his eyes were so bright and honest. I blushed hard and tried to look away. But he kissed the corner of my lip and then laid flat right on me. "Wanna be my boyfriend Dan?" I was a bit shocked but I relaxed quickly.

"Yeah" was my response and he giggled and pressed his lips on my collarbone. I laughed slightly and wrapped my arms tightly around him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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