"Big fan?"

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"Shake making contest!"

"How about you, Reig? Want to join?" Teacher told me.

"Uhm... How about no?"

"Come on, give it a chance."

"I'll come when I will."

"Ooookay. Who else."

Mariel raised her hand.

"We will have Olej, Chandria, Mariel, Pierre, and REIGEL for the competition." Teacher told us. "Please be aware that our meeting would be after math class."

The teacher exited the class with a troll smile.

"Teachers," Carlo said with a low voice. "Right, bestfriend?"

"Who told you I'm your bestfriend?"

"No one needs to tell it. It just is."

I was weirded out.

"Your drunk. Real drunk." I told him. "I'm going out and buy something."

"It's not yet break time."

I laughed.

"When was the last time a teacher attended class?" I said.

While I was walking towards the door, a big man opened it from another side.

"Sit down!" Sir Robert actually came to one of our class.

I sat down with Carlo beside me.

"Today." He kept on laughing while whispering.


The teacher cut our conversation.

"JOT DOWN!" He told the class.

We started writing, writing and writing full of facts that never got into our heads.

Before we knew it, teachers really attended class for us until we reached math time...

"Calling all nutrition month participants." The speaker in our class room sounded. "Please proceed to the media room."

We went there and they grouped us into three each.

"So, welcome to our 29th Nutrition Month. We hope your excited to win 'cause our prize will be-"

"Medals?" I told the one in front.

"No, not just medals, also a year of free fruits from the cafeteria! Yeeeeeeey!"

The one in front clapped all by himself.

"What?" It told my younger teammates. "Who would want to win something like that?

"The mechanics of the game is simple." The one in front spoke his mouth again. "You will make a shake with fruits mixed with vegetables. You can use milk but not sugar. Sugar is bad for our health. Soo, yeah that's it. You may discuss with your group now."

Someone touched my shoulder from behind. I turned around.

"What are we going to do?"

My team was waiting for me.

"First we introduce ourselves. I am Reigel. Who are you guys."



"Okay you two, let us surprise other teams with our shake." I told them. "All we need is this and this and milk."

"What?!" They both shouted at me.

"Trust me. Just trust me."

A week later was our Nutrition Month. We just started introducing ourselves. "He" was there again. I ignored him. I really tried.

"The shake making starts now!"

The crowd focused on my ingredients.

I put out something in my bag. Some lemons.

And also some lettuce.

The crowd laughed and metaphorically fell to the ground. I laughed at them back. They never will taste anything like this.

We finished our shake. No judge would taste ours, until it starts to melt into a juice, so I started giving some out to the audience. I handed Jenna's brother, Marc, one. After he drank it was a smile from him. Someone asked for a sip.

"NO!" Marc said. "Mine!"

The judges took us last. One judge smelled our shake.

"Oh God. I could smell the lettuce!" One judge commented.

"Just taste it will ya?" One team of mine got annoyed.

Surprises on their face appeared once they tasted. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Off to the awardings!

3rd place was Chandria's

2nd place was us.

1st was Mariel's.

Chandria and Olej shook our hands.

"Big fan." Chandria spoke.

"What?" I replied. "When?"

"I love your music."

"Wait, are you in our class?"

"Nope." Olej said. "Were on section Faith."

Mariel came in to our conversation.

"OMG." Chandria shouted. "Mariel! Big fan!"

"Calm down. It's just one song." I told her.

Silence came in and Mariel stared at Chandria's pen like she wants her to ask for an autograph.

"Well," I said. "Nice meeting you two!"

The two left and Mariel and I went to our classes. It's like I didn't care for the prize. Oh yeah, I didn't. The day wasn't complete without the "Riddlemaster" giving me another note. And as expected, he did.

"You forgot your trophy." It was written. "You're not getting it back."

He literally wants me to notice him. I don't care about that stupid trophy. I never even wanted to win.

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