"Oh really?!"

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It was Saturday and they got me into Jenna's house. All I'd prefer is to sleep in my room at this time of Saturday. Being too lazy of what I don't need to do is who I am. It's my persona.

Jenna-Reigel Private Message Bank July:

J: We have a practice this Saturday.
R: Do I have to come? Too lazy.
J: ...
J: Yup.
R: Really? Scale from one to ten.
J: 9!!
R: I'll take my chances on the one scale you left.
J: Uughh! Come we need the beat.
R: ...
J: Just come. We need it.
R: ...
J: ...
R: K. What time?
J: 3:00

You see? I am easy manipulated by girls. Very easy. I have no choice. I have to show up. Its for their so-called band. I went outside and felt our steel gate. It's hot. Real hot. It will get myself to hell if I commute that far. Then, I'll use my car. No, my dad's car, I mean. So, I drove and arrived successfully. I stepped and I noticed a small man waiting for me to come in.

"Is this the Thorne family?" I asked him.
"Yup." He replied thoroughly. "Come in, Reigel."

How does he know my name? How does he even recognize my face? It is hard to find someone who knows me that way. Hmm. I guess someone has been talking about me for sometime.

"Who are you?"
"All of them are waiting for you upstairs." He ignored me.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked him again. "Who are you?"

I didn't hear any answer.

"Where have you been?" I heard a voice from Jenna. "You're late. We're all here."
"Well, I'm here." I pressed my foot to the staircase and got up.
"Nice Reigel." I saw Carlo, Mariel, and Eli at the couch.
"Uhm, Jenna." I asked her. "Who is he?" I pointed at the guy who welcomed me.
"Oh, him." She giggled. "He's my brother. Marc Thorne. He is going to play the piano for us."

I nodded out from my curiousity. Silence passed a while.

I held tight to my drumsticks and said, "So... Let's go?"

Everyone nodded in their approval.

"1,2.. 1,2,34!" I hit my sticks together loud enough, hard enough.

Time went faster after that practice we had. Everyone turned out satisfied... Well, except for me. Somebody stole my dad's car's plate number. There was a note inside the car.

"To get this plate back, you have to catch me. You know who I am little rod."

How on earth did he put a note into my car?! Anyways, I am the rod? Little rod?! I wrote my signature in my note. I felt something on my drumsticks. I took a look. It was said:

"Little rod."

Haha. Good one. Little rod. But catching him? Not my league.

The next Monday was our performance. It was spectacular. I never thought that this would be the start of my very last year that I would be with them. My friends.

I saw someone unfamiliar watching from above with the grade sixers. He appeared older and taller than the rest. He waved us a piece of paper that I think was for me. He crumpled it and threw it after our performance. I caught it accidentally. Then I took a look. It was the same note I had on my car. It even had my signature in it. But this time, something was written at the back.

"Good, you caught me just like I want it." Very clever. I have to catch you. This man is making me laugh. It continued:
"Meet me at gate 4-A SOON. I will be waiting."

I thought for it and of course followed it. That SOON he was willing to give time for, I went. I waited, and waited and waited but I thought he never came. I turned to my right and noticed something.

Office for
News articles."

Very clever. So that's why soon is in capital. I went inside the barren room as expected. I saw my plate and a note:

"I was too tired waiting for you here."

I went back to to my classroom and received violation for cutting class. This guy is ruining my life. I get it now...

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