Chapter Eighteen

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(I don't know italian so I will probably get some words wrong, but please don't get mad I'm getting my translations off of Google.)


  I was half listening to Alessandro complain about this female fighter named Lightening, who apparently is next opponent in the next big underground fight, groaned I looked down at my phone trying to figure out if I should call Olivia to see how her session with Dr.Karapoluna went

  "She shouldn't even be fighting in the ring," Sandro said. "Fratello(Brother) are you alright?"

  "Just worried about Olivia," I said pushing the phone away from me. "I haven't really spoken with her since Gracie birthday and she was going to do something this morning and I'm​ trying to decide if I should call her or not."

  "Don't ask me for advice," Sandro laughed. "That's more mamma(mom) and Alessa's department. Anyway I'm heading to the arena to get some practice in, cause I don't plan on getting my culo(a*s) kicked by a femmina(female)."

  "It might do you some good," I said he growled just as the door burst open with a pissed off and worried Alecovich.

  "What's wrong?" Sandro asked. "Kenya turn you down again."

  "Olivia's missing," he said and I slammed my hands down on the table.

  "What?" I asked praying to whatever God that was listening that I heard him wrong?"

  "Olivia is missing," he said. "I got a call from Karapoluna saying she didn't show up for her appointment, so I stopped by the cafe and Jamie said he hadn't heard from her since yesterday. Tito is going to meet us at her house so get your asini(a*ses) moving."

  Swearing under my breath I stormed past him telling Kenya to cancel my appointments and meetings for today before rushing to the elevator with Alec and Sandro behind me.


  I watched my wife and granddaughter from the doorway as they made a mess in the kitchen, shaking my head I chuckled softly as Gracie scolded il mio amore(my love) about make cookies the right way, turning away from the door when my phone rang.

  "Cortez," I answered moving down the hall.

  "Padre, devi arrivare alla casa di Olivia. Qualcosa di male è accaduto(Father, you need to get to Olivia's house. Something bad happened)," Alessandro's said.

  "Sulla mia strada(on my way)," I said hanging up grabbing my gun out of the drawer and walking back to the kitchen to grab my keys.

  "Xander, where are you going?" Mio Amelia(my Amelia) asked.

  "Non preoccuparti del mio amore(don't worry my love)," I said kissing her forehead. "I nostri ragazzi mi hanno chiamato chiedendomi di incontrarmi, tornerò presto. Non lasciare la casa(Our boys called asking me to meet them, I'll be back soon. Don't leave the house.)"

  "Naturalmente, l'amore. Stai attento(of course, love. be careful)," she whispered letting me go walking back to Gracie and I quickly entered the garage, getting in my car and drove to the gates.


  I walked into Olivia's house to find that someone had trashed it, furniture was turned over and broken, walls had holes in them, papers scattered all over the floor, dished broken on the floor, pictures had been broken and faces scratched out. Swallowing harsh I walked down the hall to the bedrooms finding that Gracie's room has been spray painted with the words b*stard child, little b*tch, and and other words that has me angry but when I walked into Olivia's room I could smell the battery fluid that had been poured over everything, letting out a harsh breath I moved over to the bed and and pulled the envelope off the wall and tearing it open.
Did you like you're surprise​ Cortez? You're little whore of a wife put up quite a fight before my men where able to subdue her. I will say that I was a little disappointed when I didn't find you here but that doesn't matter.
Here's the deal, I'm giving you three days to return my brother and I'll give you you're wife back. If not then I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I had a little fun with her before she takes a final swim with the fishes. The clock is ticking.
Oh and you're daughter is cute, she'd make a good prize.

   Cursing loudly I stormed out of the house ready to rip this idiota(idiot) head off for touching what is mine.

  "Antonio," Alecovich said. "We know who took her."

  "Marcos," I said slamming the note on the hood of the car.

  "Fuochi d'inferno(f*cking hell)," Alecovich muttered handing the note to father. "Richard was with them."

  "Voglio che i bastardi si dirigano(I want that b*stards head)," I growled turning to Tito. "Bring me Richard Grayson alive."

  "Si Capo(yes boss)," he nodded and I climbed in my car and headed to one of my many unknown warehouses.


  I threw back another vodka shot before stumbling to my feet and making my way out of the bar and over to my car.

  "Richard Grayson," a voice said and I looked up.

  "Who are you?" I demanded my words slurring.

  "You're worst nightmare," the man said and something was thrown over my head.

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