Chapter Nineteen

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(I don't know italian so I will probably get some words wrong, but please don't get mad I'm getting my translations off of Google.)


  I slammed the door to the warehouse open walking to the middle of the room and opening the trap door climbing down the ladder following the tunnel until I hit the hidden underground apartment, shoving the door open I startled the two occupants.

  "Mr.Corez," the man said.

  "We need to talk," I said glaring at him and he nodded whispering something to the female and she nodded picking up the bundle of blankets and rushing to the bedroom closing the door.

  "What's wrong?" He asked and I held out the note.

  "Marcos is the problem," I said darkly. "He stole my wife and threatened my child."

  "Divinità onesta(f*cking good almighty)," he swore. "I knew he would be angry but this...I will help stop him. My brother has gone too far with kidnapping Olivia but threatening a child. All of this so he can kill me for saving Camila from his wrath."

  "Martin," I said taking the note back. "Just get ready because you will be helping me get my amore(love) back."


  I sat on the couch watching all of the big people move round Nana and Papaw's house talking in low voice and giving me weird looks. Sighing I picked kitty up and went to find Uncle Alec, walking past the back door I could see Bear outside curious I pushed the door open and walked over to him sitting down.

  "Bear?" I asked softly.

  "Yeah pisello dolce(sweet pea)," Bear answered turning to give me small smile.

  "Where is my mama?" I asked. "She no pick me up like promised."

  "I don't know Pisello dolce(sweet pea)," he said.

  "Did the bad man get her?" I asked.

  "What bad man?" Bear asked and I hugged kitty.

  "The bad man watched​ the café when me and mama working," I said looking down. "He scary like the monster under my bed."

  "Pisello dolce(sweet pea)," Bear said softly pulling into his lap. "If I showed you a picture would you be able to tell me if it's the bad man?"

  "Yes," I whispered and he pulled his phone out pressing a few buttons before showing me the screen swiping to the side showing me different pictures until I grabbed his hand. "He the scary man."

  Bear suddenly said a bad word and stood up with me in his arms hurrying inside so I laid my head down on his shoulder as he ran past a bunch of people until he shoved a set of doors open and started speaking, me being sleepy I hugged kitty to my chest and fisted my other hand in Bear's shirt falling asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter but this is how I wanted to end it.

So what did you think of Gracie's point of view?

Who do you guys think Bear is?
*Hint:Not Antonio, he's bumble*

Did anyone catch the plot twist I added in this chapter and if you did what did you think?

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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