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(Jason's POV)
I woke up with a sleeping Justin in my arms. I noticed he still had tear stains from last night making me frown. That movie scared him a lot, but I did warn him. He just didn't listen. Honestly he never listens to me. It's not they're massive problems though. It's like a tiny one. When I grabbed my phone and checked the time my eyes almost bulged out their sockets. 1 pm. Justin was leaving in an hour.

I rolled my eyes and decided to get out of bed and at least get some brunch. I picked out a random shirt from my closet and some skinny jeans. I walked downstairs to the main kitchen and was met with Matthew and Ryan.

"I see lazy ass McCann woke up." They both chuckled as I walked in.

"What time did you guys wake up?" I asked grabbing some bread and orange juice. I put some bread in the toaster and poured some juice.

"Few hours ago. We decided not to wake your cuddle session with little Biebs." Matthew answered. I nodded, grabbed a plate, and placed the toast on it.

"What are the plans today?" Ryan took one of my toast. I gave him a glare and he smiled innocently before taking a bite.

"We got some orders to pick up, Cruz said he found out who stole the diamond from the clubhouse and we need to find out the plan to blowing up Carson's Mansion."

"Busy day." Matthew commented

"As always." I smiled. This is my everyday life. It has been my everyday life ever since I was 11. Footsteps were heard leading up to Justin. He found his way to the kitchen, damn. "You didn't get lost?"

"I used a map." He pulled out a large piece of paper from his pocket and placed it on the table. "Didn't you say you were gonna give me one?"

"Justin...I did say that, but I swear I didn't make this or anything!" I said studying the map. I have never seen this in my whole life. I never made a map to this house because I got used to everything after a few months.

"Where did you find this?" Matthew asked

"Under the bed." Justin answered

"Why'd you look under the bed?" Ryan gave him a weird look. Honestly I was asking the same question.

"I...rolled off the bed and landed on the floor." My baby nervously rubbed his elbow. Ryan and Matthew started laughing at him making me give them a glare and Justin a hug.

"There's little x's everywhere!" Matthew pointed out. There was at least an x in every room in the house. Especially the kitchen we were standing in right now.

"Well X marks the spot." I said. We all looked at each other and knew what to do. "I'll keep the map! Matthew you check the right side of the house, Ryan you check the left!" They nodded and split up.

"What do I do?" Justin looked up at me with his innocent little face that I love so much. Before I met him I never cared about anything. I never realized the bad stuff I was actually doing. He showed me the good in people who I thought were just evil no matter what. He showed me a lot of things, and I'm grateful for that.

"Nothing. I don't want and or need you getting hurt Jay." I put my nose on top of his. He pouted not liking what I just told him, but I couldn't just let him check the rooms or anything. For all I know there could be a bomb he could accidentally set off.

"But I wanna help!" He whined. Not this. Justin sometimes gets his way with me with his whining and pouting, but I stay strong sometimes. There's one thing I know I can't resist though. His puppy eyes! He doesn't know they're my weakness which is good, but when he does it I can't stand to say no.

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