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(Jason's POV)
"And her pussy taste like skittles, what?" Matthew smirked turning the volume on the speaker louder. "You can really taste the rainbow, what?"

"You've had it on repeat too long." I rolled my eyes taking a sip from my beer. It was an early morning in the kitchen with Matthew and I. We were making breakfast for everyone, cause why not? He had this one Lil Xan song on though. I wasn't annoyed by it, it's just he had it on loop too long.

"And you've been bisexual too long." Matthew finally changed the song to some other one by this Lil Xan guy. The whole gang like this SoundCloud music, so I'm used to it all. The weird rapper names, dumb lyrics, etc. It's not that bad, but it can never compare to Tupac; the legend of the rap game.

"That doesn't make sense." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He just shrugged and started making chocolate chip waffles. We had made pancakes, but we both knew Mia didn't like them. My gang members know my family like they're theirs. It's how it's suppose to be though, so I can't complain.

My dad's gang members used to be like my uncles. Growing up, if I needed help, they were there if my parents weren't. Heck, they'd drive me back and forth to school and if I wanted something so bad, they'd take me. I remember being a kid and having the urge to go play laser tag. My parents weren't there, so one of my dad's gang members took me. I miss those days a lot. Everything was so simple back then.

"I smell goodness!" I heard my baby's voice. Fast pace footsteps followed after and Justin ran in like the flash. Barry Allen would be impressed with his speed. I walked over and grabbed his small, adorable face, kissing the shit out of it. Matthew groaned in the background saying, "I'm really going to have to get used to that."

"We all do!" Cruz came out somewhere unexpected and sat down on one of the stools. He was shirtless and I knew Justin was secretly staring. We all have abs which is weird to admit, but it's true. First time he saw Ryan shirtless, he couldn't keep his eyes off him. You know damn well Ryan made jokes about it, saying he'd steal Justin from me, for the past month. I covered his eyes and he chuckled.

"You're mine." I whispered into his ear.

"Whose is this?" Cruz pointed at my beer bottle that had half left. I was going to say it was mine, but I remembered Justin was in the room. He doesn't know I drink beer every morning and I know he might yell at me. He hates the taste and when I kiss him after I've drunken one, he punches me. It's happened many times before.


I took a sip from the beer that was sitting on the living room table. I haven't had one today, so it felt refreshing. Not only that, but my baby was coming today so things were good. I heard the door knob jiggle and I knew he was coming ready to jump into my arms, so I got up. When the door finally opened, hell broke loose.

"Jasey!" Justin yelled. When he saw me, a smile grew on his face and he launched himself towards me. I caught him in arms holding him up. "I missed you!"

"Can't believe y'all still do that." Derek rolled his eyes going up the stairs. I shared a look with Justin and we both smirked yelling, "LONER!"

When we got settled on the couch the first thing he noticed was the beer on the table. He picked it up and took a small sip which I was very confused from. I didn't have a problem with it, but I was curious. After he drank the sip down, he immediately shook his head with a disgusted look on his face.

"That's gross." He coughed. "How do you drink that?"

"After a few times, you get used to it." I shrugged

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