Candice and I sat down on the couch and we talked for another 15 minutes. She invited me to dinner with her family at her mother's new Italian restaurant. I couldn't say no.Then I head upstairs with Candice following me. We go into my room and she picks out an outfit for me:
Once Candice and I step outside, we walk over to her new white Jeep Wrangler and I open the passenger door and hop in as she sits down in the driver's side.
"Hungry?" She questions as she hits the gas and the car goes speeding down the road. I almost have to hold onto my seat. I nod.
If I wanted to, I could walk to her house, but it's over 70 degrees outside and to her that's sweltering. Before we drive to her house, we stop at the drive thru at Dunkin Donuts and I order a small coffee. Because of how great her driving skills are *Note the sarcasm*, I'm not able to drink it until after we arrive in front of her house, with a screeching halt.
As we walk up the stone steps, she opens the door and we walk into her living room
"Candice, is that you?" Her mother questions and she yells back to her as she grabs my wrist and we run up the carpet steps towards her room:
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"Wanna see my dress?" She asks with wide, excited eyes and I nod again
"Sure" And she skips over to her closet in the corner of her room. I walk over to her bed and take a seat on the edge, then I slide my heels off and throw them aside. I look back at her and she pulls out a long object with a white bag over it. Then she walks towards me and lays it on the bed. She lifts the bag away:
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"Looks tight..." I say truthfully and she gives me a look
"Very," There's a short pause, but then she continues
"but I like it."
"I bet the boys like it too." I whisper and she pushes me
"Shut up"
"Now we need to find you something to wear." I look at her and groan as she takes her dress back over to the closet and stuffs it in. Then she takes out her phone and presses a button for the blue-tooth speaker to turn on. Suddenly the room is filled with The Chainsmokers.
I watch her rummage through her closet and she pulls out a long, red dress
"How bout this one"
"I'm going for the free food, unlike you" I say and she rolls her eyes and raises her eyebrow
"I wouldn't be able to eat in that!" And we both laugh
"I forgot how much I missed you." She returns to the closet and pulls out another dress, but I can't help but laugh. It didn't even look like a dress; more like a long, thin sheet.
"Does it look like I would wear that?" I question and she lifts the dress to look at it again, then shakes her head.
"Well then, you're not going to like a-" She begins to say, but stops and her mouth opens wide and curves into a large grin; like she came up with a marvelous plan.
"I got it!"
We tip-toe down the hallway towards her mother's bedroom slowly as if we're starring in a detective movie. Candice grasps the knob in her hands and begins to twist it, then it creaks open. It's a modest and plain room with no clutter and I understand why Candice was never allowed to venture in here.
She walks in front of me slowly and in the corner of the room, there's a large white door. Candice takes in a deep breath and wraps her hand around it, turning it and pushes it open.
We gasp
"Oh my God" Candice almost screams and I shush her loudly.
"You've never wandered in here before?" I question surprised
"Hell no" I walk around the room, looking at the dress shirts, dresses and suddenly I glance ahead into a small back room and I feel drawn as I walk slowly towards one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen:
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I lift my hand up to touch the fabric. It feels soft. I feel power. I can hear Candice walking over to me
"It's pretty; a little too dark for my taste though."
"I like it..." I say, unable to look away. There was a short pause, then she continues.
"Sold. Now let's go eat" I nod my head and we make our way out of her mother's room and into the hallway. I suddenly remember I didn't have breakfast and my stomach begins to grumble like a demon.
I go back to Candice's room to get my heels and she runs into the bathroom across the hall to get ready for the fancy dinner.
In about 20 minutes we walk downstairs, our outfits almost twinning. We move side by side outside towards her car, trying not to fall in our heels and when I sit down in the passenger's side, we take off.
She turns the music up, playing some pop/alternative song and we scream the lyrics into the summer breeze with the windows down and our souls pumped. When we reach the restaurant, she rolls up the windows and turns the engine off. She shrugs