I walk slowly up the steps and through the narrow hallway towards my room. I close the door behind me and lay the dress neatly on a chair.
The next day flashes like a bullet and before I know it, I was waking up on the day of the Ball. I suddenly hear a knock at my bedroom door and my eyes fly open.
"What?" I mutter, thinking it's Justin, but when the door flies open, I see Candice.
"Why are you still in bed?!" She loudly asks terrified. I grab my phone slowly from the bedside-table. It's 12:10pm and I have to be ready by 4:00, because the ball starts at 5:30 and Candice treats it like a life and death situation. She walks over to the edge of my bed and drops two large bags on the sheets.
"This is makeup and this is..more makeup and accessories" She says as she points points at each one
"You came prepared" I joke in a morning voice and she looks at me like I need a miracle-makeover.
"Yes I did, now get up" She commands and walks over to one of the windows across the room and slides the blind up, causing the light to fly into the room and blind me.
"Your fairy godmother commands you to rise" She says in a ghostly voice and I sit up with a loud yawn escaping my mouth.
"Justin where's the coffee!" She screams and just like that Justin rushes into the room with two cups of coffee
"Your majesty" He says with a grin and sets them down.
"Need anything else?" Candice shakes her head and he turns around slowly to leave. He closes the door behind him.
"Now let's get ready" She says excitedly and I open the suitcases.
"You weren't lying" I say with wide eyes and laugh looking at the bag full of makeup, shoes and purses. She shrugs.
I stand up and take my pick of her large selection, then I head into the bathroom across the hallway to brush my teeth, style my hair and apply my makeup and Candice goes to the bathroom downstairs to do the same.
In about an hour and a half I emerge from the bathroom and I walk into my room to see Candice putting The Vaccines on and blasting Handsome throughout the house.
I notice a third suitcase and she plops it onto my bed and opens it. She takes out her dress and begins putting it on as I walk over to get mine.
The Final Look
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As we descend down the steps slowly, trying not to fall, we hold our shoes in one hand and a clutch in the other.
"It's missing something." Candice says staring at my dress and suddenly once we reach the living room, there's a harsh knock at the door.
"I got it!" Justin yells and rushes towards the door, barely dressed, as if he's expecting a girl. But when he opens it, we see a tall, handsome and muscular man standing in front of us. There was a black SUV parked on the curb and the man was holding a black briefcase.
"What'd you girls do now?" Justin whispers concerned and we glance at each other with confused expressions.
"Hello, I'm here to see Maggie" The man spoke, but we stared at him speechless
"Maggie??" Justin asks with his eyebrow raising
"I'm here as representative from Harold's, the elite jewelry store in town; you have been selected to display a piece of our jewelry for the eventing at the Gala tonight" He says and I see Candice's mouth physically drop to the ground, as well as Justin's, but the man continues.
"Only Serena Boxwood, the president of the event has been chosen for this honor and apparently...you." He pronounces you almost in a question form and I give him an even more confused look.
"Please sign here." As he hands me a clipboard and pen. I slowly write my name on the line under the words Sign Here.
"May I have the honor of bestowing it upon u?" He asks and I smile nervously
"Sure.." And he lifts the briefcase in front of the three of us and unclips it, exposing the large diamond necklace. My eyes go wide and I feel like screaming, Candice beats me and gasps loudly.
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"OH MY GOD!" She screams. I turn around and gather my hair up for him. I felt his strong arms go around me and the second the necklace touches my skin, I shiver and when he clips it together, I turn back around.
"It's on loan for the night...have fun Cinderella." The man said and I smile.
"Thank you." I say almost in a whisper and he smirks. Then he turns around towards the SUV and drives away.
"How?...Wait..What?" Candice begins but I don't think any of us know what just happened