August 24, 1953

71 2 1

I watch Subject 342 in his containment chamber from the safety of the observation window. He's just woken up, and is now pacing around his new room. He then looks up at me and frowns. I'm shocked to see his face. His eyes are yellowish-green with slits for pupils pupils. His ears and nose have been flattened, leaving only holes. His whole head definatelly is pulled out a bit, even more like a muzzle. The scales have spread to his chest and arms. His nails look darker and oddly sharp. His skin, overall still matches the human color of his original skin.

I look at the temperature monitor on the wall. 75. To me that's warm, but it's subject 342's body temperature...

Recent tests show that all of his cancer has vanished, but I'm not convinced.

His voice is muffled through the glass, but it clearly sounds like he's hissing.

"Thissss isss all your fault!" he hisses "You're ruining my life!"

When he's talking his jaw opens up unusulally wide. I swear see a forked tongue flicking in and out, and his teeth looking sharper..

I begin to back off and head back to the hallway. I bump into Dr. Potato. For the strangest reason, I'm suspicious of Dr. Potato. He's just been acting a little strange around me recently.

"Hello!" he says. "I've been looking all over for you sir. Or should I say TRAITOR?"

"What?" I scream "What do you mean, I'm a traitor?"

"Follow me into my office,"

In the office is Wayne and a Scientist with his arm in a sling. Dr. Potato and Wayne both have their arms crossed (Well, Dr. Potato's arms are always crossed.)

Doctor Potato began. "I believe that you have tampered with the ingredients in your cure."

"Say...What?" I ask.

"You've been acting very strange around me. You've been visiting Subject 342 every time you get the chance. You've been acting as if you expect that something strange is going to happen. You have lied to us a-"

"Stop," I command. "I've heard enough. I think I know what gave you this idea. I think we've both been suspicious of each other. Doctor Potato. Spying on everyone. Making sure that I'm nowhere nearby before you do anything, keeping secrets... I'm sure we both have secrets to tell eachother."

We quickly apologize. Case closed.

The SSAM keeps sending us letters asking about how our cure is going, even though I'm sure that they're already stalking us. What will I tell them? Will we get closed down? Should I lie? What's the meaning of life, the universe and everything? My mind is about to explode with questions.

Subject 342 (Outdated)Where stories live. Discover now