Miss Jackson Pt 2

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The next day came. It was your anniversary!

Slowly opening your eyes, you saw Percy laying next to you. Then you remembered what day it was.


"Whaaaaat!!!" He mumbled as he opened his eyes.

"It's our 8 year anniversary today!!!" You shouted and kissed his forehead.

"Yay. Can I sleep now?" Percy whined. You pushed him off the bed and he landed with a thunk on the ground.

"Ha! That was revenge for yesterday!" You yelled victoriously. Before he could get up, you dashed to the kitchen  and hid.

Thump. Thump. "I'm coming to get you!" Percy said and stalked around. You stifled a giggle and stayed in your hiding place.

A bright light pierced your eyes. "Gotcha!" Percy yelled and snatched you out. You screamed as he tickled you restlessly.

"Okay okay! You win! Let me make breakfast!" You screamed and Percy jumped off of you.

Breakfast delicious, of course, because you made it. You two had pancakes, which were blue. Once you were done you both cleaned up, and then rushed out to the beach again. For some reason, Percy took longer to get ready. He emerged from the room with a speaker in hand.

Once out on the beach, you snatched the phone from his hand and put on Panic! At the Disco, naturally.

"Y/N, is it okay if we don't get wet just yet?" Percy asked. "Sure, why?" You replied, because that was new for him. He always wanted to play in the sea.

"Oh, no reason," he said. "Come help me find shells!"

He said, as he got on his hands and knees and looked around for while shells, since a lot were broken.

After finding a few shells, you stopped and listened to what Percy's speaker was playing.

"Oh my gods, I love this song!!!!!" You said excitedly, as Miss Jackson came on. Mouthing the words, you jumped around like a crazy person.

Percy chuckled, but suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" You asked, stopping your wild disco moves. "Nothing. Come here," he said, and you came over to him.

He took his hands in yours and stared deep into your eyes. Was this another prank??

"Y/N...." he started, and looked down. Miss Jackson still played in the background.

"Y/N," he said, more confident this time. He took a deep breath.

"I love you. So much. I'm so glad that we have been together for so long. You make me so happy."

And then. Oh my gods.

Percy slowly got down on one knee and reached into his swimsuit pocket. You gasped, with a tear coming out of your eye. He grabbed a small blue box, and inside was a beautiful ring, with a small blue trident and a f/c g/p symbol, intertwined and studded with diamonds.

"I'm not saying there won't be hard times. There will be. But there will also be good times. Great times. I want to say I love you. I would give my life for you in a heartbeat. I want to give you everything you ever want. I'm sure that love like this isn't found everyday. What we have is special, and I want to cherish it forever. Y/N.... will you be my Miss Jackson and marry me?" He gave a half smile. The song still played in the background, making it all the better.

More tears leaked out of your eyes. Suddenly, all 8 years you've spent with Percy flashed before your eyes. It was beautiful. You realized how much you loved Percy.

You choked out a yes, and Percy's face was pulled into a grin as you kissed him and he spun you around.

"I love you," he said through the kiss. "I love you too," you replied.

"My congratulations," a deep voice said. You and Percy both turned to see a man that looked like Percy, in a Hawaiian shirt and khakis.

"Dad?" Percy said.

"Yes. My boy, I support your choice. Y/N is an amazing girl, and you two deserve each other. Y/N, thank you for taking such good care of my son." And with that, Poseidon receded back into the sea.

Percy then turned back to you with love in his eyes. He picked you up bridal style, and carried you back to the cabin, to celebrate.

All of your friends would be coming the next day, and you would surprise them with the news.

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