Chapter 2

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Once Anne reaches home,she bathes Harry first thing and after a small bubble fight with her little son,she wipes him with a towel,gets him in some warm clothes and rushes downstairs. Her husband can be home any second now, ( he texted that he's on the way home earlier) and she didn't cook anything yet.

She sets down Harry on the sofa and switches on the television to a cartoon channel before saying "Mummy's going to make some pasta so stay here and watch that,okay?"

"I want to see mummy cook." Harry pouts.

"Baby, it's hot in the kitchen and you will sweat. We can't have you sweating when you just showered,right? If you want to change to another channel,tell me first." Anne convinces.

"Mummy make pasta?"

"Yes,pasta! Be good for mummy and maybe I will put an extra meatball for you. But, don't tell Dad." She smiles and rushes to the kitchen.

Harry whereas,tries to be obedient and watch the cartoon silently without bothering his mum. Soon,the smell of sweet gravy is all over the living room and Harry can feel his tummy rumbles. He wants to call for his mummy and ask if she's done when the front door opens, revealing his dad. He jumps off the sofa and ran to him.

"Dad! You home!" Harry says,hugging one of his dad's leg.

His dad Desmond,or for short Des, place his bag down and crouches down to Harry's height, pulling him off his leg. "Hi,little one. Yeah, I'm home but next time you should say dad,you are home instead of you home. It's wrong grammar but it's okay,I guess."

"Dad,you are home!" Harry tries again.

"Yeap! That's my boy! Give me a high five."

Harry high fives him and Des smiles.

"Where's my girlies at? Why is no one welcoming me home except Harry?" Des says out loud.

"Mummy is cooking pasta for you and me. It smells good!"

Des sniffs the air and hums. "Mmm,it does smell good. Where's your sister? Is she helping your mum cook?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't know where she is. Mummy is cooking alone."

"Awe,poor mummy." Des stood up and carries his son to the sofa,putting him down. "I'll be upstairs. I need to shower and change my clothes because I smell bad and it's eventually going to effect your mummy's cooking."

"You don't smell bad. I don't smell anything bad on you." Harry says but Des just shook his head and jogs upstairs.

Harry gets off the sofa and walks to the kitchen,standing beside Anne who's peeling potatoes in the counter.
"Mummy,dad says he smells bad."

Anne jumps a bit,surprised at the sudden voice of her son beside her. "Oh my god,Harry! I almost cut myself! Don't do again, it's dangerous!"

"I'm... I'm sorry,mummy." Harry frowns and quickly turns around to walk back to the living room but Anne grabs him and sits him down on the counter beside the one she's using.

She cups Harry's face and says, "Mummy is not mad at you,hun. Just don't do that again,okay? I was using a sharp tool and it could have hurt me."

"Mummy is hurt?" Harry asks,eyes going wide at the thought of him causing his mummy to cut her fingers.

"Luckily,no. It dropped off my hands. What were you saying earlier? Dad says he smells bad?" Anne continues to peel the potatoes but scootches away a bit from Harry for safe distance.

"Yes and he asks where is Gemma. I said,I don't know."

"She's upstairs in her room doing her homework,I think. She didn't want to follow us to the park earlier."

Harry and Anne chats while Anne cooks. She baked the potatoes (of course, Harry wants to press the buttons on the oven) and fry the meatballs. It's done in less than an hour and after taking the boiled pasta and gravy off the stove,Des comes downstairs and helps with putting the plates on the table. Harry just watches from the counter because they won't let him carry anything.

After supposedly done with the arranging,Des calls out "GEMS! Food is ready, let's eat!" An 'okay' was heard and Des took Harry down from the counter and they all wash their hands before sitting down,ready to scarve the food.

Anne took Harry's plate and starts putting in the pasta along with the gravy and some meatballs with it. (She puts extra) Handing it back to Harry,she smiles warmly.

Gemma is the first to tell a story at the table. She says that her best friend have a crush on their science teacher and not to mention,way older than them. Gemma is 10,5 years old than Harry,and their teacher is around mid 20s. Des shook his head at the story and advices Gemma to at least like someone their age.

Harry feels the need to tell something too so he waits until Gemma and his dad to end their chat. So,when they stop talking about it,Harry voices out, "I met a boy today,dad! He's nice!"

"A boy,huh? Where'd you met him?"

"Me and mummy is at the park just now and I had to pee. After I pee,I wash my hands just like mummy says and then,this boy is there." Harry paused,his mind showing Louis' face like a screen. "I accid... accident... Accid..."

"Accidentally?" Anne helps him.

"Yes,that! Splash water on his face. I said sorry and gave him tissue."

"So,is he your friend now?" Des asks.

"I think so."

"What's his name?"


"What? That's a weird name. Haven't heard it before." He chuckles.

"It's Louis. Harry here pronounce his name a bit differently but it's cute so I didn't bother correcting him." Anne says fondly.

"Mummy say I can see him again. Can I see him tomorrow,then?"

"That rhymes,Harry! Oh my god!" Gemma claps her hands.

"Do you know where he lives,Anne?"

"No..." Anne trails off. Not wanting to crush his little boy's heart,she changes the subject. "But Harry, tomorrow is your first day at kindergarten. You'll meet many new friends! You should sleep early today."

"Will Leuwie be there?" Harry asks excitedly,his green eyes almost shining with hope and Anne just doesn't understand. What's it with Louis? She just mentioned loads of other friends and Harry doesn't care.

But she'll do anything to make her only son happy.

"Why don't you pray to God before bedtime? Wish for Louis to be at the same kindergarten as you?"

Harry nods eagerly and prays right there and then.

Please god,please.


Just to inform ya'll,they won't stay kids forever. They'll grow up and yeahhhhh ;)

And guys, he's 5 years old so his grammar and past and present tense won't be right all the times. Take note. Don't bash the lil curly fry.

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