Chapter 4

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The next day,Harry doesn't feel the excitement of going to the kindergarten anymore. There's no fun there to him. Fun is not exactly playgrounds and group activities. He just needs someone to be with him,to talk to him,to laugh with him and to play with him. What can a 5 year old wish other than that?

It requires a bit of patience with waking up Harry today because he's in his kid mood,where he just won't listen to Anne and ignores her wake up call. She's literally beside him asking him to wake up and he won't listen. He forces himself to close his eyes and look naturally asleep so that she will leave. But being a mother,she knows.

It requires a little convincing like "Mummy will buy you any kind of toy you want if you will just wake up now."

This did not work.

Anne tries again.

"How about cupcakes? I'll buy you the cupcakes you like. The ones with the colourful sprinkles?"

Harry pops his head out of the blanket. "Really buy?"

Anne sighs. "Yes hun,but after school. Okay?"

That works.


When they reach there and Anne helps Harry with his bag and all,she says to Harry in a soft voice. "Make friends today,okay? Don't just look at all the other kids and stay alone. You won't like it here if you have no friends. And I need you to like it here so that you can learn."

"But I don't know them." Harry says sadly. "They already have their own friends."

"You can be one of their friends if you talk to them."

Harry nods,watching at the other kids who just arrived. Anne pecks his cheek and sends Harry inside to his classroom.


Harry sits down at the same place he was sitting yesterday and the other kids sitting at the same table stared at him,making him a bit uncomfortable. It is a little too quiet at that table until one of the boys there poked Harry's shoulder,making him look at him.

"We wear the same colour." The random boy says and Harry glances at his shirt,then the others.

"Yes,same." Harry replies.

That is all he said for the rest of the class. Then it comes the time where Miss Lizzie invites them all out to the playground. Harry actually brightens up at this. So,when they are told to line up to go outside,Harry quickly stands up to get first in line,almost tripping but managed to stop himself.

Miss Lizzie just smiled at the little boy's act. Kids are always hyped for the playground. Or ice cream.

After getting everyone to line up, Miss Lizzie guides them outside. There is about two other classes out,already crowding up the place a bit. There are kids having fun doing their own thing like riding the stringy horse and sliding down the slides while the other class seems to be doing some stretching with their teacher. Harry's already excited.

"Okay,my little boys and girls. Do you want to play like the others?" Miss Lizzie questions.

A chorus of yes comes as the reply.

"Alright then! Go and play! But remember,do not push your friend,do not run and be careful. Talk nicely to each other,okay?"

And that is it. Everyone shouts a yes and they go scattering around the lawn. Miss Lizzie is kind of worried seeing how everyone runs off but how can you even stop kids from running? That's literally what they do when playing.

Harry didn't run though. He listens to what Miss Lizzie had said and he knows what will happen if he didn't. He's tripped a couple of times before and scratched his knee. It hurts,then it bleeds. Then when you clean it up,it hurts more. When you shower,it stings. He doesn't want that again.

So he walks towards the slide,being pushed twice by kids from other classes. Once he actually gets close enough,he sees that the slide is crowded with other kids wanting to play it too. It looks very uncomfortable with that many other people around. Harry waits for a few minutes,hoping they will maybe go somewhere else to play.

Unfortunately,they didn't. Harry gets a little upset at not getting to play what he wants to play. He pouts,looking around for Miss Lizzie. His eyes caught her in a minute but she is talking to the other lady. Knowing he'll be disturbing them,he decides to head off to where the swing is. It's empty. He sadly looks down,and walks towards it,thinking 'I want to go home'

Too careless of him to not watch where he is going,another body bumps into him harshly,making him fall down while the other falls right beside him. His right hand hurts a little bit and he is prepared to cry if he sees blood. He hates blood. He finally looks up when he hears a voice talking to him.

"Are you okay?"

Harry froze for a while. That can't be–

"Leuwie?" He whispers out,trying to get himself to focus on the other boy's face.

Oh. It's definitely Louis.

"Oh,it's you." The other boy smiles, confirming he is indeed Louis.

The Louis he met at the toilet.


  "Oh my god,I already said no pushing. Look what happened!" Miss Lizzie suddenly said out of nowhere.

The two snap their heads up. Miss Lizzie helps Harry up,then Louis. He brushes the dirt off Harry's clothes and also Louis'. She sees a scratch at Louis' knee and gasp. "You've got a scratch now! What did I say,Harry?"

"He did not push me." Louis quickly defends Harry.

"Then you pushed him?"

"Yes but..but no,I didn't mean to. Carl pushed me first then I pushed Harry. I'm sorry."

"Let's get you clean up. Harry,you can go back and play. I'll need a word with with Carl later."

"Can I go with you? I.. I'm tired. I want help Louis clean his leg." Harry reasons. He wasn't tired. He's just lonely.

"I can do the cleaning,hun. By the way,it's his knee. This is knee." Miss Lizzie points at Louis' knee.

Harry nods. "But please may I come with you? I will sit quietly,I promise."

"Okay,then. But right after we're done,you need to go back out to play with the others."

"With Leuwie?"

"Yes. With Louis." She smiles and leads them inside to the nurse room.


I finally updated ARGHHH

I was too focused with my other book lol but ok guess this book needs more attention

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