Chapter one

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Hello, Reader. My story my take a while for each chapter. It's not to easy to make parts of the story that are worth reading. But I do hope you enjoy!

Dante's P.O.V

You know those mornings that just seem like an absolute bitch to get moving on? Yeah.... this is one of those mornings. My best friend Angel stayed the night because she wanted another "sleep over".

Every time she has one of her damn sleep over she always bring over alcohol. I don't know how she sneaks it into my house withought me noticing. This girl is such a hand full. If its not trying to get her out of trouble with the professors, its trying to get her out of trouble with some of the assholes at the collage that she somehow seems to piss off so damn easily.

"Hey, wake up!" Angel yells in my ear flipping me off my bed into the floor.

Jumping up from the floor I scream at Angel. "HEY FAT ASS THAT HURT!"

She looks at me with a fake pained expression. "Is that any way to talk to your bestie!?"

I glare at her as I walk to the bathroom. Angel can be a bit if an ass some times. But old habits die hard, right?

Angel wasn't always like how she is today. before, she was an orphan running around the streets. At least she smiles now and not just to give me a false sence that she is happy. I can tell just from her smile that she is truly happy the way she is now.

Sighing I brush my teeth and touch a panel on a wall. Hearing the panel next to it move I reach in and grab an apple then sit it on the sink next to me before closing the panel. After I brush my teeth I walk out with the apple moving towards my desk.

"Where did you get that apple?" Angel asked making her way to the bathroom with her back pack. "Doesn't matter, tastes good though."

Pulling my chair out I feel a surge flow from my left hand. Dropping the apple I grab my wrist, hissing as the pain envelops my hand making it feel as though it was being burned in flames even though none were present. After riding out the pain like usual I sit in my chair and log on to my laptop.

Looking at the files I have on my computer I see what I have scheduled. Its a long list mostly consisting of practice and what I should make for lunch and dinner. Sighing I close my laptop and lean back in my chair, being stopped from leaning back as far as I can without falling like I always do, I look up and see angel wrapped in a towel.

I just look at her unamused as she looks at me grinning like an idiot. " Why are you blocking my chair?" I say looking at her forest green eyes.

"Were you looking at your schedule again?" Angel asks ignoring my question.

"Yeah I was seeing what was on todays list. Its a busy one." I say leaning forward to bring up my to do list.

" Damn and on a saturday. You need to relax and ta.." She says looking over my long list then comes to the bottom. "Project A and Project D? What are they?" She looks at me a bit worried.

When I have projects it always brings fear to angel. She worry's about me because when I work on my projects I barely eat and I don't get much sleep. I know its not healthy but I cant seem to stop what happens when I work.

The projects are vary dangerous usually but I try and reassure her by telling her that I will be fine and I will take safer precautions when working on my projects. "This project isn't that dangerous angel, I will be fi.." I try to finish my sentence but am cut off by angels panicked scream,

"THATS WHAT YOU ALWAYS SAY! last time you lost your left arm Dante!" I look at my left arm and feel the ghostly pain of how I lost it.

I stand up from my chair and hug her with my right arm leaving my left arm by my side as she hugs me back, crying into my shirt." I promise little sis. I wont let it happen again. You can be there with me when ever I work on it."

She pulls her head out of my chest to looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Promise?"

Kissing her on her forhead I promise angel. The project isn't to start till a few week from now anyway but the details don't matter right now. I pull away and leave the room." You should get dressed before drake comes over." I meantion over my shoulder.

She wipes her tears away before going to the bathroom and getting dressed. Heading out of the room I find myself running out of breath so I lean anginst the wall, sliding down the wall, a stray tear rolls down my cheek as I feel pain shoot though my left arm. Angel walks out of the room fully clothed in a tank top and an pair of baggy kaki pants.

"Alright what do y.." she looks at me with a worried expression. "Dante are you alright?!"

I look at her with a weak smile. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little winded.

Angels worried look turns into one of irritation. "You need to take better care of yourself. I'm going to get some blackberries from the fridge."  As she says that she walks down the stairs to the kitchen. Damn it.. my arm never hurts this bad. I might have to skip classes today.. collage can be a pain some times. Especially when you miss a lesson. My professors will understand though. After all they know what I am anyways...

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