Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up to the sun shining through the window, and the sound of a blow dryer. I shoved my face in the pillow, and pulled the cover over my head.

"Oh, good. You're up." I only grunted. It doesn't look like I'm awake if you ask me.

"How do you figure I'm awake?" I mumbled. My voice muffled by the cover.

"Because, you don't sleep like that. You only do that when you're trying to go back to sleep. Now go get in the shower."

"What time is it?" I grumbled.

"1:30." I sat straight up in the bed, the cover flying off of my face.

"What?!" I yelled. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I did. That's what the blow dryer was for. Plus, I needed to dry my hair. Besides, you didn't honestly think I was gonna physically wake you up after last time do you? You threw an alarm clock at my head for crying out loud!" I quickly jumped out of the bed. I drug my suitcases into the bathroom, and hopped in the shower.

When I got out, I blow dried my hair part of the way, and let the rest air dry. I dug clean underwear out, and then pulled my outfit on. It was the denim skirt that went mid-thigh, a pair of black leggings that stopped at the bottom of my knee, and the black and red shirt I had bought. I put on several 'I ♥ One Direction' and 'I ♥ Harry' bracelets. My earrings were red hearts and black studs, and there was a silver hoop in my cartilage. I found a pair of really small ankle socks that couldn't be seen when I had my shoes on.

I drug my suitcases out of the bathroom, and sat them by the window. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and put my socks on. Then I grabbed my shoes. I sighed.

My outfit was red and black. My blue DC's just don't match. They would totally ruin the whole outfit.

"What's wrong?" Cayley asked me.

"This." I said and held up my shoes. "It totally throws off my outfit. I'm gonna look really stupid." I frowned.

"I think I can fix that." She said as she walked over to her suitcases. She dug around a bit before pulling out a plastic bag. She walked over to me.

"Here. Don't freak. I know how much you wanted them." I looked up at her, confused, and took the bag from her hands. Inside was a box. I slipped the box out, and took of the lid. I gasped.

It was the pair of DC's I wanted.

                                                 Cayley's P.O.V

Her eyes widened as she looked at the shoes. I smiled. I knew she would be happy. The expression on her face told me as much.

"Thanks. But I thought I told you not to." She said.

"You're welcome." I said, ignoring the last part of her sentence. I watched as she laced them up like her other pair of DC skateboard shoes. I turned to finish straightening my hair, as she slipped them on.

                                                             Nikki's P.O.V

Cayley finished straightening her hair, and I walked around in my new shoes. Once she was done in the bathroom, I walked in to do my hair. I curled it, and pulled one side of it back, clipping it with a ruby barrette.

Then I did my makeup. It was just a little eyeliner to make my eyes pop. Cayley didn't wear any at all. She never does. She's pretty just the way she is.

"Okay. I'm ready. How do I look?" I asked her.

"Amazing. Me?" I looked her over.

"Gorgeous as always. But flip flops? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah. I don't see why not. Let's go." We grabbed our tickets, and left.

                                                     Harry's P.O.V

"It's my turn!" Louis shouted.

"No. It's mine! Hazza, tell him!" Liam said. I sat on the couch with Niall, watching Liam and Louis argue. Zayn was standing in front of the mirror, fixing his hair. Again.

"Actually, you're both wrong. You two and Zayn have already had you turn. Niall and I agreed last night that we would both bring a fan up on stage tonight."

"But Hazza!"

"But Harry!" They shouted at the same time. "That's not fair!" Louis whined.

"I'm sorry, Boobear, but it's not your turn. It's not fair to Niall and I for you to try and take it away from us." I said. Sometimes being with Louis was like having a 10 year old.

At times, it was really annoying, but I wouldn't change him for the world. Louis is really sensitve about his age, because he's the oldest one. So we let him goof off, and be the little kid that he is. Out of all the boys, I am definately closest to Louis. He is my best mate for sure.

"Fine." He pouted. He flopped down on the other end of the couch, away from me. I looked up at Liam, who just shrugged. I scooted over to Louis, and Liam took my place by Niall.

"Louis?" He stared at his TOMS intently, and ignored me. So, I tried again. "Lou?" He just blinked and started playing with a loose string on the couch. "Come on, Lou. Don't be like that. You know you wouldn't like it if someone tried to take your turn."

"I guess you're right." He said.

"Oh, I know I'm right. Now come on, Boobear. We still have time before the show. Let's go get some ice cream." I said as I stood up and held my hand out to Louis.

"Okay!" He said excitedly, taking my hand and allowing me to pull him from the couch.

"What!" Niall shrieked. "Ice cream? Is it just you guys or..." He trailed off suggestively.

"You can come with us if you want, Nialler. Or we can bring it to you. Whatever you wanna do."

"I'll come with you. Zayn's hair isn't all that interesting. Besides, I don't want my milkshake to be all hot." Niall stood up to join us at the door.

"Anyone else?"

"Chocolate with chocolate digestives." Liam said. That boy and his chocolate.


"The usual." He said, not even taking his eyes off of his hair.

"Okay." Louis, Niall, and I left the complex and headed for Milkshake City.


"So, what songs are we doing tonight?" I asked. We were back in mine and Louis' flat, sitting on the couches, sipping our milkshakes.

"Up All Night, What Makes You Beautiful, More Than This, Forever Young, and Everything About You." Liam replied. I thought for a minute. Niall and I both have a part in Everything About You.

"Hey, Niall." I said. He didn't reply. He couldn't hear me over the loud sucking noise he was making with his straw. "Niall!" Still nothing. I reached over and smacked the empty cup out of his hand.

"Harry! What'd you do that for? I was trying to drink that!" He whined.

"That noise, Niall, means you already have.I was wondering if you wanted to pull a fan up during Everything About You, since we both have a part."

"A fan for me and a fan for you?"


"Okay, then. Sounds good" And he happily went back to trying to drink what wasn't there.

Author's note: Okay! Chapter 7 is here! I hope it's getting better now that you know what the guys are up to! I'm gonna work on chapter 8, and it should be posted by tomorrow.

Oh, and go to Lil_Ninja's page and read her story. It's a One Direction Fan fiction called The One Direction Of Life! It'd mean alot to both of us!!

Don't forget to COMMENT, FAN, and VOTE!!

~Ta ta for now~

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